The 7 Best Facebook Alternatives

Facebook begins censoring criticism of Radical Islam  BeMyEyes:  DeviantArt:  Doximity:  NextDoor:  RallyPoint: Untappd: now live: Is this uncensored social media site the next big thing in online free speech?

“(NaturalNews) You are now living in an era of extreme censorship of truthful news. All news outlets that engage in real journalism by asking skeptical questions about government, Ebola, national debt, vaccines, GMOs and other “sensitive” topics are systematically censored by all online news aggregators and social media sites.

As a result, interest in alternative non-censored social media is exploding, and there are two uncensored services you need to learn about and start using as your primary news feeds.”

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Click here for simple instructions on signing up with Diaspora.

Fakebook Shutting 1,000′s Down & What Was Spotted in Their Office Hints at Who May Win the 2016 Election
Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s Grandson I Thought Everyone Knew. Did You? Facebook Started With $500 Million From The C.I.A.

Facebook Alternatives: 10 New Social Networks To Join If Facebook’s Too Corporate For You

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