Are we going to see another false flag on UK soil in a desperate attempt to keep the agenda going.

Lies Lies Lies

“Despite the UK government’s frantic attempts to sway public opinion to bomb Syria – to further their master’s agenda, (The Crown and the plan for a greater Israel) the British public just isn’t buying the evil bull**** anymore. The media propaganda wing is at full battle stations, desperately making up polls that suggest the public is behind bombing innocent civilians to please their paymasters.”
Chunky Mark –Aleluia Aleluia – The Toris’ll be there; Michael Fallon; Gideon Osborne; Theresa May; Jeremy Hunt; The Warmongers; John McTiernan; Aaronovitch; Nick Cohen; Rat Wing Labour Party – they’ll all be there and looking down – LAUGHING at Jeremy Corbyn.

Comment:  “The more they say “Hate Jeremy Corbyn!” the more we love him…cuz he’s right and they are wrong and they know it…all the bombs and what good has it done…absolutely nothing f*ck all….peace =)”

“There’s only a few thousand of ’em and we are going to drop brimstone bombs?”

“Corbyn speaks for millions in this country yet the RWM are assinating him.  Why are they not holding Cameron to account?  How does taking out JC help people who want to live in a world of peace not war?”

Don’t do that ‘stinking thinking’ folks.  It’s fairly dangerous these days.

GW:  Why have they been bombing there for years Chunky Mark?  They have been trying to destroy the history held there in the ancient monuments that’s why.  These tell us something about our history that has been hidden.  Who the Archons or the fallen ones are and what happened to man as a result of their intervention here.

David Cameron there aren’t 70000 moderate fighters in Syria – and whoever heard of a moderate with a Kalashnikov anyway?

At one point last week, one of Cameron’s satraps was even referring to this phantom army as “ground troops”. I doubt if there are 700 active “moderate” foot soldiers in Syria – and I am being very generous, for the figure may be nearer 70 – let alone 70,000.”

IR Comment: “What Cameron doesn’t seem to realise, or perhaps doesn’t want to confront, is that there is no ‘best’ option to the Syria/Iraq problem, only a number of unpalatable outcomes.”

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