Obama In Kuala Lumpur 7 Weeks After MH370 Went Missing

Obama in Malaysia

Obama in Malaysia – Pic Courtesy The Independent.

Previous reports have suggested that on the night of MH370’s disappearance on 8 March, military radar picked up a mysterious aircraft moving across the Malaysian peninsula, but government officials have remained vague on any link to the missing Boeing 777.

Speaking to CNN, Mr Najib confirmed that the radar did indeed track the plane once it had turned back from its original flight path – but said that this was only established “after the event”.

He said he believed there was someone monitoring the radar at the time, but that nothing more was done to investigate the unidentified aircraft because “it was deemed not to be hostile”.”  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-malaysian-prime-minister-admits-lost-plane-was-tracked-by-military-radar-9293254.html  Wonder what Obama is doing suddenly going to Malaysia.  Since when was that on his ‘ urgent to do’ list?

The Disappearance of MH307 Was  Driven By SERCO via the ‘Defence Red Switch Network’ according to David Hawkins.


Hmmm they seem to confirm that it was heading to Diego Garcia.

They report that Kuala Lumpur is now in ‘Lock Down’.  Worried by Obama safety issues?

“Malaysians protest outside the United States Embassy against the visit of US President Barack Obama, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 April 2014. The protest included opposition to the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPPA). Obama is the first US President to visit Malaysia as part of an Asian tour to forge alliances in more than three decades since former President Lyndon Johnson in 1966″.

AUS PM Tony Abbott acts as the ‘third party’  http://tasmaniantimes.com/index.php?/weblog/comments/over-to-you-mr-bond-/  Abbott is Jesuit trained.

Comment:  “There are good reasons to link this missing aircraft to the Kennedy assasination and the mysterious disappearance of Harold Holt. ”

Japanese Executed Amelia Earhart – not realising who she was  http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1917&dat=19860917&id=CRQhAAAAIBAJ&sjid=g3IFAAAAIBAJ&pg=5721,3706181 says Yoshi Shimatsu.

A cargo of Gold Bullion bound for China was on MH370 along with those Freescale Programmers.  Robbery as well as hijack?  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-03-18/did-missing-flight-mh370-land-maldives-or-diego-garcia-full-updated-summary

3-25-2014 Yoichi Shimatsu & Jeff Rense · MH370

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anlceVFYvaE  The “online sleuths “have outrun the MSM on this issue.  People are “smelling the lies.”

Diagrams: Boeing patents anti-terrorism auto-land system for hijacked airliners


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