Mirror Reports That Minister In Tony Blair’s Government Visited Angell Road Children’s Home To Abuse Children As Young As 6

Angel Road Children's Home UKC 28 April 2014

UK Column News 28 April 2014 – Angell Road Children’s Home.

The Metropolitan Police once again covered up evidence of a UK Government centred paedophile ring operating at children’s homes in London.  They got rid of detective Driscoll who had progressed the investigation and leaned on witnesses to insinuate that these allegations were all just vicious rumours.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2614602/Cover-claims-Blair-minister-suspected-abusing-children-home-run-paedophile.html

“While the investigation lasted 16 months, there are questions about why an experienced officer was mysteriously removed from it. Former Lambeth social workers claim that there may have been a cover-up after Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was taken off the case and given other duties”  http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/04/28/Tony-Blair-Minister-In-Sex-Crime-Probe

Ms Tapsall a Lambeth Council campaigner, wrote at the time – “I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff.  This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”  http://beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2013/03/paedo-mp-cover-up-claim-top-cop-removed-from-sex-abuse-probe-after-naming-politicians-as-suspects-2449648.html

Former Lambeth council child protection chief Dr Nigel Goldie added: ‘There were a lot of very senior people trying to put a lid on it. There was ­something very unfortunate about the way the whole thing was dealt with.'” http://boltonbnp.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/cover-up-claims-over-blair-minister.html

19 November 1998



“The Sunday Times is reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon.”  http://www.tpuc.org/blair-covering-up-paedophile-scandal/

For those MPs who say UK does not have a written Constitution – then listen to what John Bingley has to say.  UK has a Constitution and all those in office must abide by their “Oath of Office” where they pledge to abide by it.  If the Constitution is not abided by then there is a “Right of Resistance.”

The Magna Carta & Our Constitution – John Bingley – MRG



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