Michael Gove Comes Under Pressure From Damming Ofsted Reports Into The E-ACT Academy Chain Schools

‘An “overwhelming proportion” of pupils attending one of the country’s biggest academy chains fail to receive a good education, according to a damning inspection report.

There is an “urgent need” for E-ACT, which has 34 schools on its books, to improve the quality of its teaching, according to the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)’


IR Comment: ‘Exactly WHO are the Tory ‘donors’ involved in making a quid or two out of these ‘academies’?’

IR Comment:  ‘Philip Harris, John Nash, Stanley Fink, Alan Lewis to name a few.’

IR Comment:  ‘And Gove Minor himself has a number of questions STILL to be answered, young JCH!

There were his little parliamentary expenses/allowances ‘fiddle’ money …… er …. ‘errors!

His role in the Tory tax dodging Atlantic Bridge ‘Educational‘ …… er ….. ‘Charity’, …… which had its charitable status withdrawn by the Charity Commissioners, ……

and, of course, …THAT large ‘advance’ from a publishing company linked to a certain media mogul, ……. for which the manuscript STILL may not have made the bookshelves!

Heavens! Anyone of a suspicious mindset, would have thought that it looked like a well ‘laundered’ bribe for non documented political ‘favours’ rendered!!!!!‘  Oh My!

IR Comment:  And the Title Deeds for the school premises?  And the trick here is – Michael Gove transferring £10 billion of state assets to private companies – where no payment was received for the state assets – and taxpayers forced to pay over £50,000,000 in legal fees alone to fund the trick

Alan Lewis –

I humbly ………….. add!

IR Comment:  Michael Rosen, the children’s author, HAS put in a FOI request for EXACTLY this information!

Have a look at what happened on his blog:


This is an extract from the blog!

The Department of Education has absolutely no record of any of the title deeds for the school – not in paper format or electronic format

Now as councils held title deeds for state assets safely for decades – and Michael Gove used the Academies Bill to force councils to hand them to him – the Secretary of State For Education –

Where are all the title deeds for the schools Mr Gove?

At the end they told me to write to a company the Tory Party Treasurer is on the board of – and ask the private company if they know what Michael Gove has done with the title deeds for state assets

Any good magician will tell you – create a distraction – to get away with the trick

Jeremy Hunt

JCH – Gove Minor

And the trick here is – Michael Gove transferring £10 billion of state assets to private companies – where no payment was received for the state assets – and taxpayers forced to pay over £50,000,000 in legal fees alone to fund the trick

Thatcher sold state assets – Michael Gove gives them away – and some of the companies he gave them away to – just happen to have very prominent Tory party members on the boards – with us even paying all legal fees

Now I live in Scotland – but if it was my school that became an academy I would be writing to Michael Gove right now – and speaking to my councillors right now and demanding to know where are the title deeds for my school – because these schools are state assets (or they were until Michael Gove disposed of the title deeds with absolutely not a thing on record in the Dof E)

that’s what you call magic

Now the reality is Michael Gove has set up Southern Cross For Education – where

Academy companies have the title deeds for schools – they can sell them – and then sign extortionate leases to rent them (and the money goes offshore to the Cayman Islands as “excess funds”)

Now Gove changed the law to say Academy’s don’t have to publish their accounts publicly – unlike every other charity in the country

And Gove changed the law to say No Academy trustee can be held liable for any losses

And Gove is currently trying to change the Academies Bill to say instead of the title deeds going to ” the proprietor of the school” – to “someone associated with the school”

Now does that mean the Tory Party Treasurer, instead of putting your school’s title deeds in Ark Schools name – he can instead put your school’s title deeds in the Tory Party Treasurer’s name

Now if that is not “cronyism” of the most absolutely shocking sort – I don’t know what is

Julia Middleton CP CEO

Julia Middleton of Common Purpose – Pic UK Column News.

Serious investigations need to be undertaken as to how Michael Gove can have “lost” the title deeds for £10 billion of state assets without a trace – after councils kept them safe for decades!”

Erm ‘Swanky White Men’ anyone?  Who said that?  Wasn’t it Julia Middleton of Common Purpose fame?

Has she got a point perhaps?

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

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