Bishop Tim Stevens Defends Common Purpose and Activists Bite Back


Bish Tim Stevens

‘The resulting media coverage dredged up long-discredited conspiracy theories about Common Purpose in the UK propounded by two individuals in the South of England.’

However, the activists are reserving their right to reply.


Common Purpose UKC 27 mAR 14

History of the establishment of Common Purpose.

More information from UK Column News 27 March 2014 –

They also talked about how NICE is now  a key part of the NHS.  It was established 1 April 1999 by Frank Dobson with Professor Sir Mike Rawlins, an eminent doctor, appointed as chair and still there.  Oh my goodness April Fools all.

Common Purpose 2 UKC 27 mAR 14

Common Purpose UKC 27 March 2014.

NICE has recently instructed schools to stock condoms and the Morning After pill.  NICE one!

In addition an Ex Blair adviser Simon Stevens is to head NHS England.  NICE one!

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: “Simon has an extraordinary reputation in the UK and abroad as a reformer and an innovator, and we are lucky to have someone of his calibre doing such a vital role.’  Oh that’s all right then.  Jezza says it’s hunky dory so it must be.

Guardian 11 November 2007

Simon Stevens. speaking at a Guardian's public services summit.

Hmmm Orange is the colour worn by US inmates – ptb sub-lim message?

Simon has an ‘interesting past’.  ‘When working for United Health in the US, he was accused of introducing private money into healthcare into America.   One of Stevens’s key tasks is to help persuade Britain’s senior NHS managers and doctors to work with UnitedHealth to provide what he describes as a more individualised form of care for patients.

However medical personnel may not be persuaded by Stevens if they watch Michael Moore’s latest film, Sicko, which alleges that United and other big US insurers routinely deny care for patients who may be critically ill.’

Hmmm we are starting to see NHS making ‘choices’ about which patients to treat with what.

A reminder that KONP AGM is 28 June 2014.  Further details from

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