Blair’s Looking a Bit Ghostlike Lately

the real tony blair

The Real Tony Blair.

Morning NLAT.  What’s up?  Oh just doing a bit of GhostBusting.  Polanski?  That was way back in 2009 wasn’t it?  How does that connect?

‘Roman Polanski’s relief at being granted £2.7 million bail by a Swiss court may be tempered by the fact that he will be too late to finish his film The Ghost Writer.’

Oh I see.  What’s RottenTomatoes got to say?

‘In the total context of Polanski’s hard life and grim ordeals The Ghost Writer constitutes a miracle of artistic and psychological resilience.‘  June 20 2013

The Telegraph reported that ‘Pierce Brosnan stars in The Ghost Writer, which was about a former British prime minister facing prosecution for war crimes.’

Hmmm might just have to give that film a look see.  I wonder why Polanski was chased so hard over that Rape business for so long and then re-arrested again in 2009 when we have Political Paedo Rings running amok here and in the US in 2013 with impunity?  Bit selective on the justice side isn’t it?  In 2009 Polanski just happened to be in the middle of making that film The GhostWriter which The Guardian said wasRoman Polanski‘s best film since Tess 30 years ago.’  Just like Stanley Kubrick and his film Eyes Wide Shut.  Part of that was shot at Waddeston Manor wasn’t it?  Oh and didn’t Cherie Blair and Mandelson attend a ‘shooting party’ there in 2009 as well?  ‘Warning shot across the bows’ perchance?  Shooting AT Cherie and not with her?  Mandrake at The Telegraph did ask ‘Is Nat Rothschild feeling the pinch?’  Then look up Mandrake.  

mandrake - devil's testicles

Mandrake – devil’s testicles.

Kubrick, Polanski, Mandrake storytellers to the Illuminati but just don’t get too far outta line fellas or you might have to take the Lennon route.  Like dear Christopher Shale (RIP) at Glasto in 2011 after he had said that the Tories needed to embrace social justice or lose votes. Does Crosby remember it I wonder?  Or has it all just ‘rolled away’ like Cameron’s Rock along with those softer pre-election promises which have also recently disappeared?  Dire warning for Cameron – Go soft at your peril.  Was Shale pushed Lynton?

Samantha Geimer

Samantha Geiner

Interesting that Channel 4 recently featured an Interview with Polanski’s  victim  Ptb’s motto ‘never waste a crisis’ as they spin the Savile story.  It goes something like ‘The abused forgives her abuser.  The abuser is sorry and just made a mistake.  Let’s move on,’ as they work to get paedophilia legalised and normalised in the sight of the electorate.

Javanese nasi goreng

Javanese Nasi Goreng

What was that NLAT?  Another cup?  Don’t mind if I do.  Rasberry Breakfast Cake?  I really shouldn’t.  What’s the time?  Oh go on then.

A further word on that shooting party –

This entry was posted in Anti Globalist, Art and Artists, Banksters, Bilderbergers, Blair Blah Blah, Bloggers Having Their Say, Body Language, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Catholic Church, Conservative Party, Crooked Lawyers, Daily Mail, David Cameron, Death Dealers, Election 2015, Elite Party Places, Euan Blair's Coventry Ambitions, Fabian Society, Freemasonry, Frequencies Resonating, Getting Away With Murder, Guardian, How to Identify Tories, It's a Mystery, Jesuits, Labour Party, Lightwork, Magic Circle, Men of Non-Business, Mendacious Mandelson, Mi5, Mi6, Money Matters, MOSSAD, NLAT, Other Secret Societies, Psychopaths, Rothschild Toll Roads, Social Engineering, Spin Spin Spin, SuspiciousObservers, The 'Quisling Plan For Change', The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, TUSC Fielding Election Candidates, Uncategorized, Unelected UK Power Base, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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