No 10 Spin Machine and Daily Mail Printing Press Are Churning Wildly Out Of Control In Attempt To Smear the BBC

Rob Wilson Con MP

Rob Wilson Con MP

There is a ConDem Campaign at present to undermine the BBCShapps has already fired the first Salvo with ‘change or prepare for licence fee cut’.  GovWatch finds it difficult to take anything Shapps says seriously but the incident was noted.  Next comes this spat about just exactly what Paxo said about Cameron’s hugely expensive plans to celebrate WWI.  It has to be said that the Savile stuff is pretty despicable and Savile was feted at the BBC for years and a Parliamentary Paedo Ring is on the cards but whether it is centred at the BBC, or at Mi5, or both, is a matter for further conjecture.

This latest BBC story exploding in the Daily Mail has the hands of Lynton Crosby on it and it looks like it’s the usual Crosby success rate.  Why the ConDems hired him is also a matter for further conjecture.  Back to the debate. Paxman is an erudite critic of many things that need criticising and is entitled to voice his opinion.  On those grounds, GovWatch sides with Paxman and so say all of us.  Cameron is not exactly nifty when it comes to making public announcements and we all know it.  Paxman implied this and he was right to do so.  No apology is necessary and Crosby’s campaign to elicit one from Paxman is quite risible.

Paxman made an invited personal comment during a discussion.  He was not in his usual Newsnight role.  Tory Party are very thin-skinned it seems.

Heh Mr Wilson remember in May when ‘The Daily Telegraph and other newspapers disclosed on Saturday that a member of David Cameron’s inner circle had described Conservative association members as “mad, swivel-eyed loons”.’  Was there ever an apology or was there just a denial?

You can write to Mr Wilson and tell him what you think.

This entry was posted in Arms Trade, BBC, Berkhamstead Blogger, Bilderbergers, Bloggers Having Their Say, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Cockroaches, Daily Mail, David Cameron, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, FibDems, Frequencies Resonating, Gagging Law, How to Identify Tories, Independent Media, Levesen Enquiry, Lightwork, Men of Non-Business, People's Assembly, Presstitutes, Spin Spin Spin, Stop the War Coalition, Syria, The 'Quisling Plan For Change', The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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