SS UK Steams On At 23 Knots While UKC Looks Vainly Into the Mist Trying To Spot That Iceberg

David Milliband Telegraph Syria

David Milliband – Telegraph

UK Column 31 October 2013 reports that David Milliband is lecturing that withdrawal from Syria was a mistake.  Who he.

They also believe that the Brooks Charabanc is really a show trial in order to lever in the new Press Regulations waiting in the wings.  The new regs will deny the GP rights to news of wrong doing by the ptb.

Leveson Spiders Web

Leveson Spider’s Web

UK Column questions the morals of those involved. Hugh Grant back seat of a Taxi with a prostitute.  Professor Petley expert on snuff movies. Chris Bryant and Underpantsgate.  Lord Faulkner with fingers in all the pies and a Privy Councillor as well.

Who were the Privy Councillors who decided on the contents of the new Royal Charter for the Press?  You wouldn’t believe it.  That man of gravitas – Jeremy Hunt.  Lordy Lordy.  Thought he’d been shipped off to Health.

Royal Charter for Press

Royal Charter for the Press.

What can be done?  Early day motion calling for Private Prosecutions?

Mike Robinson then does his financial report.  He quotes Ambrose Evans Pritchard who says

‘If you think there is far too much money sloshing through the global financial system and causing unstable asset booms, you are not alone.

A new report by JP Morgan says the bank’s measure of excess global money supply has reached an all-time high.

“The current episode of excess liquidity, which began in May 2012, appears to have been the most extreme ever in terms of its magnitude,” said the report, written by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglu and Matthew Lehmann from the bank’s global asset allocation team.

They said the latest surge is far beyond anything seen in the last three episodes of excess liquidity: 1993-1995, 2001-2006, and during the Lehman emergency response from October 2008 to September 2010, all of which set off a blistering rise in asset prices.’

Mr Robinson also points out an article in LA Times which worries that the Fed will require a bailout,0,5018539.story#axzz2jJNgjqe4

Comment:  I’m trying to figure out Cameron’s promotion of Islamic Bonds while stating his allegiance to Israel.’

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