Jules and Gedeon Naudet and Camera Azimuths


Azimuth Altitude Schematic



BBC’s target azimuth for WTC#1.

David Cameron waited 5 hours to hear from SamCam who was in New York at the time of 9/11.  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/308447/Sam-Cam-I-shall-never-forget-being-in-New-York-when-towers-fell-on-9-11

UK and France United In Joint Military Command and Drone Program http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InEyL7GPaDo#t=102

Comment:  ‘It’s like watching talking *****  and as long as the world is held in the grip of TR-AshkeNAZI Mafia Banksters operating for CoL BBA, then all we can realistically expect is radical depopulation assimilation, degradation and annihilation. People have ‘romantic’ ideas that the rhetoric of UKiP or any other blabbermouths offer a genuine way forward and solution but this is not so, for they are supported by their very existence by the same hidden forces and manipulative hands.’

See AbleDanger BlogSpot for further info.

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