Watford’s Con MP Richard Harrington Caught In FireFighting Storm


Squirrel Shake Watford PondPicture Evening Standard.

Watford’s Firefighters are always on ‘The Watch‘ for incidents that need to be ‘put right’.  Thus in April we observed them successfully battle a Massive blaze in office block near Watford Junction.  No job is too big or too small for these guys.  Thus on another occasion, they showed their softer side by turning out to rescue a squirrel stranded in Watford’s Pond.  This story even reached London’s Evening Standard.  Watford was making the news for all the right reasons.

30 The Avenue Watford.

30 The Avenue Watford – where Mr Harrington was to meet Watford’s Firefighters.

Well these boys have shown that they are there for Watford but is Watford’s Con MP Richard Harrington there for them when they need him?  Erm, no…..

Watford’s Firefighters, like a lot of people, are worried about their job prospects and their long-term financial security.  Something that Richard Harrington should take seriously as well.  After all Mr Harrington often trumpets on about the Jobs Fairs he keeps setting up.  One would think that Jobs were pretty high on Mr Harrington’s Agenda.


Fire Strike – Picture Watford Observer.

Watford Firefighters thought so too and booked a meeting with Mr Harrington at his surgery to discuss their concerns.  However, when they got there, they found that Mr Harrington had left a hastily typed note the contents of which are still ‘under discussion.’

GovWatch surmises it goes something like – “Changes to pensions and conditions have been necessary in light of very difficult financial circumstances the Government have inherited and in the face of wider changes to pensions and meeting the needs of an ageing population. ”  Richard Harrington – here to …. erm …. help …. but not always.  GovWatch has received a lot of very similar stuff from Mr Harrington.  Basically, he’d love to help but due to …………….. (fill in the space) he can’t.  Like he couldn’t vote NO on Syria for instance.


StAlbans PAAA FFs

St Albans PAAA Twitter Pic

As Mr Harrington has said before, ‘It’s all about semantics.’  Those two words FIRE STRIKE had Mr Harrington really worried.  Imagine his picture next to those two words!  And it depends on which sort of lobbying with Mr Harrington.  Mr Ashcroft’s sort he doesn’t mind at all.  And of course if you were going to do some door knocking on his behalf for 2015 well….

Next time you see him ask Mr Harrington about the Bradbury Pound and Glass Steagall Act.

St Albans PAAA supported the FireFighters.  https://twitter.com/StAlbansPAAA/status/382879632346738688/photo/1

This entry was posted in Bloggers Having Their Say, Bring Back the Bradbury, Election 2015, Evening Standard, How to Identify Tories, Lightwork, Lobbying, Lord Ashcroft's Money Maze, Money Matters, Non Verbal Comms, Richard Harrington Tory MP Watford, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Tories Shafting Business Right and Left, Tory Party 2015 General Election Team, Truth Movement, TwitterNews, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Watford Observer, Well Known Oafs, What's Happening in Herts, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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