Two Hundred Mill On IT Kit – In and Out ‘The Eagle’ -That’s the Way Our Money Goes

universal credit jobcentre

Picture Guardian.

Universal credit: Upwards of £270m has already been spent on government IT contracts. However, UC’s new project director Howard Shiplee has ordered a complete rethink and ordered a thorough redesign of current software.’?????

More tea NLAT?  I am minded of that old nursery rhyme……

Pop Goes the Weasel –

‘Every night when I get home
The monkey’s on the table,
Take a stick and knock it off,
Pop! goes the weasel.[1]’
TR:  ‘A government that believes it justifiable to punish the victims of the banking debacle and a newspaper that supports such an outrageous principle. We should be less worried about rolling back the welfare state and more concerned with rolling back the corruption that is destroying our political system. They crow about taking pennies from the disabled, vulnerable and unemployed and ignore completely the billions that are draining out of the economy and into offshore banks. Meanwhile the Tory party is flogging off national assets to their rich mates and then accepting backhanders for doing so – laundering taxpayers money through private companies and directly into their party coffers. There might well be individuals defrauding the welfare system but they are a vanishingly small minority and that is the price we pay for a civilized society. That we countenance widespread corruption by the already wealthy and privileged demonstrates that we don’t have a civilized society.’
UPDATE – Ian Duncan Smith on the £34 Mill IT write-off and the report that they have no idea how to use the £270 Mill IT kit in situ.  ‘Grave consequences’ – You bet IDS.  ‘White Paper’ – more like ‘White Flag’ Ian.  Thanks for the link NLAT.
MusicHi Hoooo, Hi Hoooooo,
Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s off to work we go
La La Lul Lul La, La La LUL LUL La
Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho! 
This entry was posted in Bloggers Having Their Say, DWP, Economy Train Wreck, FibDems, How to Identify Tories, Ian Disorganised Duncan Smith, Job Centre Plus, Men of Non-Business, Psychopaths, Social Engineering, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Uncategorized, Universal Credit, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Two Hundred Mill On IT Kit – In and Out ‘The Eagle’ -That’s the Way Our Money Goes

  1. Pingback: Angry Letters To…The Editor | Eradica

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