NHS Reforms Bill passes £1bn With £280m Spent Closing Services


Andrew Lansley – Prat.

‘The Government’s botched health reforms have cost the taxpayer more than £1billion, ministers admitted today.

They spent more than £280million on closing parts of the NHS – only to set them up again under a different name.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the total bill for his predecessor Andrew Lansley’s shake-up so far is £1.096billion.

Nearly £300million went on setting up clinical commissioning groups, new bodies run by GPs to provide local care, while it cost £244million to close primary care trusts and “set up new organisations.”

There was also a £42million bill for shutting some offices and setting up new ones.

Other costs included £435million on redundancies, £54million on IT and £22million on bureaucracy at the Department of Health.

Mr Hunt said the reforms – heavily criticised for opening the door to privatisation – would save around £5.5billion by 2015, but admitted there would be a further £1.5billion “administration costs” over the same period.’

Op Theatre

Op Theatre – Do we really want to lose our NHS?

David Cameron (Tory Creep) was embroiled last night in a “conflict of interest” row over a £2.7million probe into the deaths of ­thousands of patients.

The Prime Minister faces searching questions over the consultancy firm he hired to run the review into high mortality rates at 14 NHS trusts.

A Department of Health document, obtained by the Daily Mirror, shows that PricewaterhouseCoopers was handed £2,773,614 to “project manage” the probe.

But PwC was also being paid thousands of pounds by four of those NHS trusts to provide “audit services”.

Yet the near £3million sum was not disclosed in the 61-page report published this week.

Cameron’s ‘Conflict of Interest’ RE NHS http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-conflict-interest-row-2067934
Cameron heckled at Olympic Park about NHS Privatisationhttp://news.sky.com/politics

Cameron then tries to get away from Ms Kerr and her constant questions about his ruination of the NHS by hiding in a crowd of people wearing white hats.  He fails to wear that hat even though it’s 40 in the shade and further asks his minders to wear suits.  Bet they’re well pleased with that.

Man in the people but deffo not ‘of the people’.  His bleating of ‘Love Me, Love Me, I’m one of you’ is failing.

Comment:  ‘Why Oh Why does HMRC not INVESTIGATE these BENEFITS IN KIND as these flunkies go from one EVENT to ANOTHER including Ascot, Badminton, Henley, Wimbledon, Wembley, Lords and Twickers .The cost of these including FREE TRAVEL and Booze (They call it Champers) Hospitality is probably equal to The £26,000 cap for a Years Benefits for more deserving citizens and apparently not TAXABLE.’

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