Stuart Hall’s Left Eye Is Drooping

Stuart+Hall Fallen Eye Lid

Stuart Hall Droopy Left Eye – Pic Courtesy The Standard.  Quite ‘spotty’as well?

‘Hall, 83, was jailed after he admitted 14 counts of indecent assault against girls as young as nine. The BBC Radio 5 live presenter was labelled an “opportunistic predator” of his victims, who he targeted between 1967 and 1987.’


Dominic Strauss Kahn – Droopy Left Eye.

‘Many of the deeper Illuminati alters show droopy left eyes due to the trauma they have received.’

Guy de Rothschild - Droopy left eye.

Guy de Rothschiild – Droopy Left Eye.

“You can see the energy animating a person, by the love radiating out from their RIGHT eye. The left eye is WILL power.’

In extremely advanced souls, both are in balance and highly radiant.  Now in darker souls and those on a satanic path, the right eye “dies.”

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