Ken Clarke Becomes ‘Too Hot To Handle’

Too Hot to Handle

Too Hot to HandleRoundhouse Camden

Firstly, the big story now is how Ken ‘forgot that he was a trustee of the funding group organising Bilderberg.’  How can one forget such financial responsibilities so easily?  He therefore didn’t fully declare these interests to The House.  Does Ken have responsibilities to the Bilderberg Charitable foundation then?  This organisation is said to be paying for the security op run in Hertfordshire for the benefit of Bilderberg.  The Tax Payer should not fund security for a completely private event if that was what it was as Ken implied in The House.

Secondly he announced that his time on the ‘steering committee’ had come to a close.  It seems that these posts are rotated every 10 years or so.  This is in order to bring in ‘fresh faces’.  That’s odd seeing as Kissinger’s post seems to have not fallen under the same rule plan??

I would hazard a guess that Ken was told at the meeting that his profile was drawing the wrong sort of interest to ‘the group’.  What with Kengate and all that.

Ed Balls just proved he doesn’t have ‘the balls’ to tell the truth about his Bilderberg masters.  He satisfied himself by getting up and making a few fawning remarks with no substance to them.

Shirley Williams attended to represent the LibDems apparently – they should’ve invited Dorothy she would have LOVED it.

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This entry was posted in Art and Artists, Banksters, Bilderbergers, Conservative Party, David Cameron, FibDems, Government Fraud, Hidden Economy, How to Identify Tories, Ken Clarke, Labour Party, Lightwork, Men of Non-Business, Mendacious Mandelson, Mi5, Money Matters, NNN Nick BBB Boles, Other Secret Societies, Psychopaths, Royals, Spin Spin Spin, Syria, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, Unelected UK Power Base, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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