What Really Goes On In Davos?

Cameron Davos Speech – Someone Tell Cameron Tax Avoidance Starts At Home – http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/24/david-cameron-tax-avoidance-davos-speech

What Goes on in Davos? http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/01/22/davos-burning-man-billionaire-bilderberger/

The world burns as debt piles up to heaven and the Davos attendees mostly gay perverts wish they still had a sex drive.  Davos, no doubt, was selected because it reminds these gay bankers of Michelangelo’s famous statue of David, kind of an inside joke for fat old secret society gay men.

Davos is a joke, no problem will ever be solved until the debt based money system is eliminated, they all know this and when they go to summits it’s all fun and games, I wouldn’t doubt if Davos is serviced by the finest gay escorts from all of Europe.

The solution to the world’s debt problems is to take out these bastards while they are all gathered in one place. They will never solve the world’s economic problems, they are the problem and their removal from power is necessary for the world to prosper.

How to solve the world’s debt problem? Easy, do exactly what Iceland just did. Repudiate all the debt, forgive all the mortgages, jail the bankers, have nation states issue debt free currency, nationalize the central banks, eliminate fat gay Rothschild agents from a nations economic destiny.’  Deep intake of breath.  Have you met NLAT btw?

This entry was posted in Banksters, Bilderbergers, Bloggers Having Their Say, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, David Cameron, Economy Train Wreck, Getting Away From it All, Gossip, Greenback and Bradbury Pound - Sovereign Nation issues own currency, Hidden Economy, How to Identify Tories, Independent Media, Magna Carta, Men of Non-Business, Money Matters, NLAT, Osborneomics, Psychopaths, Rebellious Media, Roger Hayes British Constitution Group, Tax Dodging, The 'Quisling Plan For Change', Tobin Tax Blocked by Tories, Truth Movement, Unelected UK Power Base, Various Suspicious Operations, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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