Four Man Films Captures the Drones Demo At RAF Waddington 27 April 2013

Drones Demo

Code Pink at Drones Demo.

Ground the Drones National Demonstration RAF Waddington 270413

Code Pink on Twitter –

Morning Star Report –

‘Hundreds of peace campaigners gathered outside RAF Waddington on Saturday to protest against the “obscenity” of armed drones being used in Afghanistan.

Organisers said 600 people marched from Lincoln to a rally at the base, which assumed control of British drone missions in Afghanistan earlier this week.

The Ministry of Defence confirmed on Thursday that oversight of armed intelligence and surveillance flights by drones deployed to Afghanistan had now moved to Lincolnshire from a US facility in Nevada.’

Telegraph says Osborne is ‘tearing down the fence’ around money earmarked for education so it can be diverted to military ops such as buying more drones.

Armed Forces muscle in on aid budget

Lord Ashcroft wants fences torn down so he can get at the money as well. –  And just who elected you Ashcroft you Psychopath?

This entry was posted in Bullingdon Bureaucrats, David Cameron, Economy Train Wreck, Election 2015, Frequencies Resonating, Independent Media, Lord Ashcroft's Money Maze, Men of Non-Business, MOD, Money Matters, Osborneomics, Pirates, Psychopaths, Stop the War Coalition, The Importance of Being Awkward - Tam Dalyell, Truth Movement, TwitterNews, Unelected UK Power Base, Various Suspicious Operations, War Mongering, Watford Coalition of Resistance, Zionists and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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