Rail Companies Announce Record Takings While Commuters Suffer

Will the ConDems rein in the Rail Companies?  Will they heck!


Lovely Pic Courtesy Telegraph.

Telegraph Reports – ‘In the final three months of 2012, passenger revenue in Britain rose to £1.96 billion, an increase of 8.3 per cent on the same period a year earlier and the highest quarterly figure on record.

More than half of this income came from travellers in London and the South-East, where commuters who rely on rail services to get to work have been hit particularly hard by fare rises.

Train operators earned 21.5p for each mile a passenger travelled on the railways in the three-month period.

At the same time trains became more over-crowded, with 385 million passenger journeys made between October and December last year, an increase of 14 million on 2011, official figures from the Office of Rail Regulation showed’


Thanks to NLAT for the Link.

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