Why Is Philip Davies a Person of Mediocre Intellect Even In House of Commons?

Old Swinefordian Philip Davies Con MP

Davies receives £10000 donation from gambling industry.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/dec/26/philip-davies-honest-gambling-bookie

Davies, thinks it is not really noteworthy that he used to be a bookie, and thinks it is not unreasonable to take donations from betting companies without declaring them, and that it is then OK to represent them in Hof C!

We have just been talking about this very question.  Before any investigation we were trying to decide why he would come out with such uninspired rhetoric pretty well every time he opens his mouth.  Someone postulated that he went to Public School and therefore he believes he only has to say something in an articulate and forceful fashion and he will be believed.  The speaker further maintained Davies greatly underestimates the rest of us and believes we are ‘thicker than he is’.  Not much of a tactician either then.

So, looking up his bio sadly I see that the speaker was correct.  Motto Vince malum bono.  Well, perhaps he should start in his own back yard and get rid of himself.  If he fails in this venture, then the Tories should seal his mouth with gaffertape.  His mouth is a serious threat to their electoral chances in 2015.

Not surprisingly there is a Facebook campaign calling on him to resign.

Marginal Seat shadow of no-dom Ashcroft.  Might have known.

First of all a little background on Mr Davies.

‘He was first elected as an MP at the 2005 general election for the seat of Shipley with a majority of 422 votes, removing the sitting Labour MP.  Because he was in a key Tory marginal seat he received donations toward his successful campaign from Bearwood Corporate Services, a front company set up by the then non-domicile Tory Lord Ashcroft to give out donations to marginal seats such as Davies’s. Bearwood has given a total of £5.1 million to the Conservative Party since 2003.’


Before being elected in 2005, Philip Davies worked in Customer Services and Marketing at Asda in Leeds.

Lord Oakshott Gives Philip Davies ‘The Facts’.  http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/26/lord-oakeshott-verus-philip-davies-lords-reform_n_1302301.html

Twittering on about Philip Davies.  http://muckrack.com/topic/Philip%20Davies?page=5

June 2011 Blogger said – ‘I’d never heard of the consitituency of Utter Pollocks until today. Apparently it’s a safe Tory seat with a sewage farm as its largest employer. You can imagine what kind of wages the employees get ….’


SKY http://news.sky.com/story/862674/mp-disabled-should-be-able-to-work-for-less


All over the press for all the wrong reasons.  Fail.

This entry was posted in Anti Cuts Movement, BBC, Bullingdon Bureaucrats, Drongo Philip Davies Swindon, DWP, How to Identify Tories, Money Matters, TwitterNews, Welfare to Work DWP, Well Known Oafs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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