UK Column 14 Dec 2012 Reports Further on Jacintha Saldanha

UK Column again referred to the case of Jacintha Saldanha.  One of the comments on Live Chat referred to wrist injuries and the Column mentioned that the Coroner provisionally set the inquest date for her birthday.  This can only upset the family and someone with more ‘understanding’ would not have done this.  Keith Vaz was wheeled out to ‘support’ family.

Nurses who have worked at this private hospital have said that she would have been ‘roasted’ by management.  Her sister-in-law says that they cannot understand why Jacintha would take her own life because she was so ‘strong’.

Keith Vaz at Coroner's Court

In addition, they published a picture of the Coroner and said it was the same one involved with Gareth William’s mysterious death – body in bag if you remember.

Jacintha same coroner as gareth williams
Interestingly Morissey has waded in. He feels Middleton was at King Edward VII Hospital “for absolutely no reason” and adds that “she feels no shame about the death of this woman. She’s saying nothing about the death of this poor woman. The arrogance of the British royals is absolutely staggering.”

Morrissey continues, “Does [Middleton] have a health condition? Is it anorexia or is it pregnancy? I mean, morning sickness already? So much hoo haw and then suddenly as bright as a button as soon as this poor woman dies she’s out of hospital? It doesn’t ring true.”

‘Mrs Saldanha was found unconscious at a nurses’ residence close to the private hospital in Marylebone, central London, at about 9.35am this morning (11/12/12) and despite the efforts of paramedics could not be revived.’  Hanging or unconscious?  Which was it again?

Yep, something about the “morning sickness” bit is hard to believe.  One certainly doesn’t need hospitalisation for that.  One spends a lot of time throwing up in the toilet before work but one doesn’t attend hospital unless one is bone idle that is.

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1 Response to UK Column 14 Dec 2012 Reports Further on Jacintha Saldanha

  1. Pingback: more on Jacintha Saldanha, McAlpine sues Bercow, and British Banks “too big to prosecute”. |

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