Threats To Take Down Facebook

Well, it’s rumoured that Facebook is run by Israel anyhow, and that  Zuckerberg is just the public persona, so I guess they’ve collected all the information they need or that this Elite tool has backfired somewhat on them.

As for Anonymous, any mysterious group that has loads of cash, banks of servers (well banks anyhow), all dress the same and wear creepy smiling masks.  Well ….. sounds like Cameron’s Cabinet at the moment to me except they wear fixed grins instead of the mask.  One thing the Elite don’t do is be individuals.  They have a ‘herd’ mentality.  That’s ironic really because they refer to us as ‘cattle’.

Trust this lot on a dark night? They’re all wearing ties for starters.

Too well organised and creepy for real activists.  That’s not to disparage the likes of UK UNCUT btw, who are QUITE well organised as it turns out, and also mentioning the ‘Pay Your Taxes’ brigade and 38 Degrees.

All the real computer activists -they know who they are – bravo.


Compare to the other group Avaaz  Notice any similarities?  Well, online mostly – that’s easy then.  Masks again and all looking like clones, signs – all the same and professionally printed.  COR can tell you that is an expensive approach as they are not re-usable.  We re-use ours so we don’t carry specific messages on them.

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