Mr Jay QC – What’s in a Name?


English: Originally a familiar form of names such as Jacob, James, and Jason, now a given name in its own right. The name also refers to several species of a large family of birds.

The Bird

Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay) is a member of the resourceful crow-family and therefore a very adaptable and successful species.

Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay) is one of the most colourful members of the crow family. This bird is resourceful and its habit of hiding acorns shows its intelligence.

The North American Jay

‘To be sure, the jay has his quiet moments, as we shall see, but his mercurial temper, always just below the boiling point, is ever ready to flare up into rage and screaming attack, or, like many another diplomat, beat a crafty retreat. He is a strikingly beautiful bird–blue, black, and white, big and strong, his head carrying a high, pointed crest which in anger shoots upward like a flame.’

The man is rather like the bird.

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