Monthly Archives: November 2021

Al Johnson-Kemal’s ”New Roadmap”:

GW: Thanks to David Scott @UK Column for the idea.

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Bang Ding Ow, Beaverlick Kentucky, United States, 1@DM: The name of this apparent new variant is suspicious in itself. Physical infection can be less dangerous than the psychological infection of fear. The name “Omicron’ isn’t very nice.

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jake, NYC, @DM: Yes people are waking up. It’s more than suspicous that “frozen vials labeled “Smallpox” in a freezer at a facility in Pennsylvania that conducts vaccine research,” were ‘found.’ Those desperate for control and power will do anything, anything, to maintain control and power.

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Ima Fended, Wokeshire, United Kingdom, @DM: There are three camps of thought. Those that think covid is a biological weapon and vaccines are harmful. Those that think covid19 is a virus and vaccines are the solution. Then the elites who think humanity is the virus and both covid19 and the vaccines are the solution.

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Happylife112, coronaland, United Kingdom, @DM: Can people not see through this yet? Booster take up is low introduce a variant tell people they need to get jabbed to save Christmas and hey presto the sheep get back in line and roll up their sleeves it’s so bloody obvious.

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chopsy321, cambridge, United Kingdom, @DM: Where’s the Vaccine Minister to explain how the gap between jabs can suddenly be halved? We were told six months for efficacy and now all of a sudden it’s three for a variant the science doesn’t fully understand and we’ve probably had in the country for a few weeks. A year ago it was first jab, second in four weeks. Then they changed the four weeks to twelve. Then it was booster at six months and now it’s after three. Never mind Christmas, it’s beginning to sound a lot like they don’t know what they’re doing

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GW: We’ve been here before. Arbeit macht frei | Der Impfstoff macht sie frei.

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Trial for the FIRST 2 doesn’t end until 2023 & [[[they]]] are already on the third round when we are still in 2021? – Gordon_Brittas, Hampshire, United Kingdom, @DM: So the official trials end in 2023 for just 2 doses of the same vaccine. The use before then is for emergency only for the really vulnerable. But now they are talking about a 4th shot of all mixed vaccines? And the 3rd has now been cut in half to 3 months? How is any of this safe at all, vaccine after vaccine, in which the original trials have not even finished. This is like a horror film. And people do it due to fear because of media propaganda. I think I’m going to pass. And some of you want this to be the law. What the history books will say about this.. providing if there is anyone left to write them. This is insane. -gedon, plymouth, United Kingdom, @DM: Who’s actually scrambling to get this booster? It looks as though nearly 20 million have already had it which of course will be the ones that “may” actually need it. Last year proved that most under 50s don’t need one jab let alone three. Remember the 1% of deaths have an average age of 82

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DD: Tories announce they intend a new Bill of Rights . . . I smell fear

The Full English Show – Published November 29, 2021 The English Bill of Rights 1688 is one of our constitutional statutes. It is fine and needs enforcing. [[[They]]] know & fear what is contained within it. Take a look at our … Continue reading

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UK Column News – 29th November 2021

Running Order To Follow BG: Here’s an interesting email from a viewer which may explain why illegal migrants can’t be stopped or returned to place of origin. In it the writer reminds us that Mrs May signed the UK … Continue reading

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