Published 29 November 2021

Robert Koch
November 29, 2021
Isn’t it rumoured that Bowie is the bastard son of Aleister Crowley?

November 29, 2021
Did you see the video of ‘him’ announcing his own death on live TV?

Jason Martin
November 29, 2021
i’m very sure bowie was into the occult, magic, witchcraft etc as so many artists were and are. the whole record industry including record companies, film etc etc is based on it and derives its inspiration from it and it forwards the evil agenda. i’m afraid the devil has used a lot of very talented people over so many years to lull us and distract us into all kinds of perverse and debauched thinking. whatever this ‘game’ is i would steer clear.

November 29, 2021
Lots of play on words in there.

Astraea, or ‘‘Astrea star-maiden” or “starry night” who required child/ infant sacrifices.

Adrenochrome. Look up Adrenochrome harvesting.

November 29, 2021
He uses Omicron to attract souls. He asks players to put their spirit into a body in order to enter our dimension. As soon as the soul has come here, it only takes a demon to catch it, and take it to Asteroth, who condemns it for all eternity, which very nearly happened to you. Know, unfortunately, as long as your soul is a prisoner in Omicron, you run the risk of being caught by a demon and thrown into the reservoir. The only way to save your soul is to kill Asteroth, but nobody knows where he hides, or how to go about killing him.”

Anyone care to decipher?

November 29, 2021
He uses the actual name of a very high ranking demon; there is real occult knowledge there. John Dee was downloading masses of information from the demons and he had to recruit others all across Europe to help him. Nothing is free, so he asked them what they wanted in return: they replied ‘ we want blood’. All the blood shed and wars since then have provided that. Children are the most perfect sacrifice. These people are mad. Why on earth do children need a ‘vaccine’ for something that doesn’t affect them? Maybe that is the answer/

November 29, 2021
We are being told, givern clues. It’s the Karma thing Hugo talked about. Remember Hunky Dory ‘Quicksand’: ‘I’m closer to the Golden Dawn
Immersed in Crowley’s uniform’

I saw an old interview where someone asked about his interests and one of them he said was Satanism; he said it lightheartedy but he definately had fllirted with it. There was also Aladinsane as well with the Andronegy and liightning bolt; he also mentions Himmler on Hunky Dory. I think a lot of them flirted with it, most notably Jimmy Page’ and others in Prog Rock, if you believe in the spiritual realm, then that would be enough to be inlfluenced.

When I was young I looked up to these artists, but where are they now; none of them, barr Clapton and Morrision, speaking up at all. They were always self serving, never truly anti establishment.

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