‘Territorians should be concerned’: Michael Gunner’s secret China deal called into question

10 June 2020

Chief Minister Michael Gunner secretly signed an agreement with Chinese officials while on a trade mission to China late last year that his office has refused to explain, the NT Independent can reveal.

Photos obtained by the NT Independent taken at the “Reaching South” event in Shenzhen last October, show Mr Gunner signed a document with an unidentified Chinese official in a ceremony that until now was never disclosed.

The incident has raised concerns around Mr Gunner’s possible links to a Chinese Communist Party – affiliated front organisation and his deep connections to Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews’ officethat was recently found to have signed up to China’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative without notifying the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The document Mr Gunner signed is said to be a “provincial agreement” with Shenzhen city officials – according to a source – which a leading Chinese international policy expert has raised concerns over, citing China’s sophisticated influence network in Australia and the NT Government’s ongoing secrecy about its dealings in China.

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