Chris Whitty fears Britons WON’T accept lockdown rules to fight off Omicron

Sara, Sussex, United Kingdom, @DM:
If this new variant was a serious as [[[they]]] claim there is no way [[[they]]] would let thousands of undocumented people of unknown origin rock up on the beaches of the South of England every single day.

Jane P, Plymouth, @DM:
Chris Whitty is right but his claims of ‘behavioural fatigue’ are far from the mark. More and more people are waking up and no longer believe the government’s lies and fear campaign. The public’s experience of Covid as an illness bears no relation to that described by government and the media. Most of the inconvenience and problems have actually been caused by government diktat – having to self isolate with no symptoms. Not being able to socialise because venues and events cancelled. It is not that we no longer feel like complying it is that we now understand that the rules were utterly ridiculous to start with.

Anuk41, BEDFORD, United Kingdom, @DM:
One prediction that he has got right. Bravo Dr Death.

circleoftrust, Newcastle, United Kingdom, @DM:
The only thing he’s said that is CORRECT!!! There’ll be a civil war if this continues any longer! Constant threats, ‘save our ohs” don’t wash anymore when people can’t access care! I’ve an appointment I’ve got to wait a year and half for!!! So NO ! Time we stop paying our contributions actually!!

Gloria17, Peterborough, United Kingdom, @DM:
I’m just waiting to see what pepper pig has to say.

I_Couldnt_Care_Less, Krabi in my dreams, United Kingdom, @DM:
Chief Medical Officer UK, accepted over 30 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to study malaria vaccines. He’s owned and paid for by big pharma.

WryObservation, Essex, United Kingdom, @DM:
Took [[[them]]] 8 months to create a test that would look for coronavirus in general. And now [[[they]]] can test for a specific variant just days after discovery? I believe in coincidences, but I don’t trust [[[them]]]


Hi from Ontario, Canada and happy to meet a person who has a high IQ as it is very rare. Let me add to your comment and please view the links HUGE RED PILLS 💊. No such thing as a virus that is GERM THEORY a theory. NO scientist has ever proven a virus gets passed from human to human. FACT they have not isolated the virus so how can you make a JAB to protect yourself? SHEEPLE take an experimental JAB not knowing what is in it or possible side effects. The SHEEPLE get JAB and are told they can still catch and spread it LOL and get 2ND shot and told they can still catch and spread it OMG LOL 😂 and now a 3RD and some countries a fourth JUST INSANE how small IQ people we have to watch murder themselves and now the kid’s OMG it is hard to watch and not be able to awaken others to end this, wish I was superman lol. WUHAN China 1ST full 5G city turned on 2 months before C19 hit. Radiation sickness same symptoms as the FLU. Here in Canada, most cases of C19 are in Toronto and Montreal and have the most 5G. Provinces with no 5G have ZERO cases of C19. No VARIANTS as it is said to cover up deaths and injuries from the JABS. VIEW Jim_Crenshaw and Wil Paranormal on BITCHUTE and see top scientists and doctors say GENOCIDE JAB and 3 types of creatures in video and black-eyed babies born to vaccinated parents and not pupil but entire eye and holding head up in 2 days and crawling in 2 weeks etc. VIEW ELENA DANAAN ON YOUTUBE AND MICHAEL SALLA on DARKFLEET and GALACTIC FEDERATION alien side of things. ENJOY let me know what you think and I have more RED PILLS.

African variant found on dingy, being brought into
England by coast guards !!
It may already be here !!
What a laughing stock !!
JAVID U See You Next Tuesday **** ***!!

At this point I just don’t care if the idiots are just plain told that they are being euthanized at the point of the jab. I just don’t care if the pregnant women who before all this were warned never to be jagged by anything. I don’t care if everyone suddenly wakes up and starts blubering that they realise they have been murdered.
We all told everyone and reminded them of their legally binding rights.
Last year walking around Tescos unmasked i had a complete twat shout “tier 1, put a mask on”. I carried on as Nuremberg does not only extend to medical trials but to state enforced medical intervention.
Sod it. Protect your family. Give dirty looks to everyone wearing a mask.
Start writing “where?” where ever you can.

If anyone crowdfunds a hit man for Javid please let me know.

He’s a bit hard to kill. I once pushed him off a wall and thought he was ended, but all the king’s horses and all the king’s men put the c&nt back together again.

Fifty Shades Of Variant gets rolled out yet again – sheeple wet their pants and demand another booster to protect them against something that has never been isolated in any lab.  See Covid Variants Calendar – >

[[[They]]] are not worried about the “history books” or “Nuremberg style trials” because [[[they]]] plan to kill EVERYONE – and will write the history [[[they]]] choose.
We must exterminate the corrupt genocide pushers.
This includes all police, govt scum, and media, that support the genocide AND ESPECIALLY THE HIDDEN ELITE FILTH BEHIND IT ALL.
WE will need to exterminate [[[them]]] all in order to survive.

Make no mistake, we are at war



GW: Wish I was playing ”SayItAgain Jabber” at cards right now

GW: What was that you said about the ”African” Scariant again Jabid? 
Javid: The new B.1.1.529 ”African” strain may be more transmissible than the DELTA Variant and vaccines may be less effective.”
GW: You mean B.1.1.529? The same as ”Polyclonal Rabbit anti‑Human RRAD Antibody (aa107‑156, IHC, WB) LS‑B11529?”
– SNAP –
Then watch his face!

C U Jabbed & Raise Yer…….

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