‘It’s terrifying but it’s a COINCIDENCE’: Leading cardiologist says footballers should not panic after five high-profile collapses – but insists all players need to be checked throughout their 20s and 30s

Wigan striker Charlie Wyke, 28, collapsed in training, Sheffield United‘s John Fleck, 30, collapsed on the pitch at Reading and Adama Traore 25, went down clutching his chest while playing in the Champions League for Sheriff Tiraspol against Real Madrid.

Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck was taken to hospital after collapsing on the pitch

While the cause of those collapses are being investigated, Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero, 33, was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia having been forced off with chest pains in a 1-1 draw against Alaves last month and Icelandic midfielder Emil Palsson, 28, required resuscitation after a cardiac arrest in October.

The incidents have renewed concern over the welfare of footballers coming hard on the heels of the harrowing collapse of Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen, 29, who suffered a heart attack at Euro 2020.

PaHam, Exeter, United Kingdom,
It is not about panic it is about why this is happening so frequently now! Especially as many footballers are living a much healthier lifestyle than in the past which is needed to stay fit and reach the max potential.

Michael Delany, kilmarnock, United Kingdom,
No mention of if they were jabbed, strange that. You can bet it would be mentioned if they weren’t.

Liberty, England, United Kingdom,
……….‘Currently no evidence to suggest heart problems are becoming more common . ………….. Is there evidence to suggest that heart problems are at what is considered normal rates? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Misleading.

Astragale, SomePlace, United Kingdom,
Since the globalists are busy changing definitions (pandemic, vaccine, herd immunity, anti-vaxxer) let’s make a change ourselves. *Conspiracy theorist*. New definition: *Person who sees what is going on.*

NMNVMC-JGJ, Newport, United Kingdom,
‘Safe & Effective‘ Safe from liability Effective at killing people. Yup I agree, safe & effective

Astragale, SomePlace, United Kingdom,
Perhaps the leading cardiologist should look at the video *Athletes Dropping Like Flies.* So many documented cases.
Link to Article

MSM are Liars, Sunny Wales, United Kingdom,
Urmmmm it’s not 5 sportsmen it’s in excess of 700 in the last six months, many have died, go ogle Roy Butler as one example.

Roy Butler: 23-year-old Irish soccer (football) player suffers massive “brain bleed,” dead four days after experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection

Roy Butler: 23-year-old Irish soccer (football) player suffers massive “brain bleed,” dead four days after experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection

T-Mas, Aberdeen, United Kingdom,
There are no coincidences!! Just like this new variant being discovered near Christmas, so they can justify the passports in England and mandatory vaccinations.

Real Woman, The Real World, United Kingdom,
It is NOT a coincidence and the latest research coming out is highlighting tissue changes post vax leading to strokes and heart attacks. Unfortunately researchers dont want to lose funding and keep quiet. Now its time to stand up and take your Hippocratic oaths seriously. The game is over!

dungiffafonk, London, United Kingdom,
I read somewhere that 108 FIFA registered football players have died in the last 6 months…. Make what you will with that but these people were among the healthiest in the world…..


acklamlad, Oxford, United Kingdom,
Were all these players vaccinated? If so then surely questions must be asked if there is a link with the vaccine to these heart issues? Let’s start connecting the dots!

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