TAP: Pandemics a plenty – anytime, any place, anywhere.

24 Nov 2021
posted by Tapestry

Secret agreements were made between Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France with the pharmaceutical industry before the H1N1 pandemic began, which stated that they would purchase H1N1 flu vaccinations — but only if a pandemic level 6 was declared by WHO.

Fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic”

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of health at the Council of Europe, explains that a pandemic used to be associated with widespread severe illness and death, but by changing the definition, removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO can now make a pandemic whenever it wants

COVID-19 was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects fragments of coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years, a fragment of virus too small to make you ill or a fragment of COVID-19 that was there weeks ago

The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention
…. // ….

Remember the Martini ads?  They got millions drinking that gnat’s piss.  Same as the vaccines now.  The power of the media still works – sadly.  I’d take a Martini in preference to a you know what.  But really I’d rather something else altogether.  To be left alone by the damned media.  Turn them all off.  Life’s so much simpler without them.  Contentment becomes a possibility.  Here’s how insane they think people are, and how easy people can be to manipulate – if they don’t wake up.  So seductive in the Martini case.  Just plain terror with the vaxx drives.  It’s all the same tosh basically.


Pandemics a plenty – anytime, any place, anywhere.

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