WeGotAProblem – Published 20 November 2021

Rotterdam Video Odysee
Rotterdam Video Rumble

Governments: “Let us SAVE you, or we will KILL you!” And alot of people are indifferent or support that sh!t.

No one supports that sh!t and if they do they are 300lbs and vaccinated.

I wouldn’t trust MSM with the Weather as they Shill for CO2 Climate Change which is just another way of killing us making us pay more for Winter Fuel and as for Sports News – Are they reporting on all the Sportsmen dying taking the Clot Shot? I can’t stand watching WSBikes as they are all masked up muppets including Johnny Ray – Johnny grow a pair, you risk your lifre on track and then put up with the mask muppetry!

If you want peace prepare to get red on ya’.

When freedom is met with tyranny and 7 shot with 1 dead then its gonna be the start of the end….. its weird the UK seems like calm in the eye of the storm….. very bad times ahead and soon I think.

It looks like civil war may well be in the outcome as the fightback begins…..Rotterdam I fear is only the start

8mm bearings and a thick flat band slingshot is lethal. The UK makes the best aluminum slingshots in the world if I am not mistaken.

There we go reject technology embrace tradition. It would take a lot of practice but imagine a modern slinger. A lead ball can already hit with the force of a .44 magnum and I’m sure the big brains could think of a way to up that somehow. Balearians used to nail rabbits at 40 yards supposedly.

GW: OK get rid of that ”SMART”phone – ”SMART” Anything for that matter.  [[[They]]] cannot succeed with [[[their]]] agenda if YOU don’t play with [[[their]]] SMART stuff.

It’s just a matter of time before these psychopathic Globalist beasts massacre an entire crowd of people somewhere in the world. This is why, you never give-up your weapons to the tyrannical criminal corporate-state thugs ever. Thankfully, here in ‘Gulag Amerika’, we are still armed to-the-teeth, and people here, are really finally getting furious with the psychopathic Marxist Communist Zionist rat-filth. This is all a global take-down but, these Satanic sewer-rats pushed too hard, too fast, and they are awaking all of humanity against their Satanic pedophile Totalitarian Collectivism and demonic New World Order Beast System of total enslavement and ultimate genocide of humanity. A stark warning to all you trolls, and Globalist bootlicking pencil-necks … be afraid, be very, very afraid … at some point patriots the world-over, will have had long memories … and, you will pay for your crimes against humanity. Just like the French freedom fighters in WWI, and WWII, hunted down their countrymen who supported the 3rd Reich. “ I was just doing my job.” This will not save your pathetic spineless life … I wouldn’t want to be you. You sold your soul. Your days are numbered psychopaths.

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