TAP: Depopulation Agenda – Most Vaccinated Countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths

21 Nov 2021
posted by Weaver

“I think it’s highly likely that the next phase will involve death on a scale which will dwarf the claims of “covid-19 deaths” to date.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President

Question– Why is mortality in Scotland higher in 2021 than 2020?

Answer– Because more people are dying. And the reason more people are dying is because more people have been vaccinated. In other words, there’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine.

Question– You can’t prove that.

Answer– You’re right, I can’t. The evidence is all circumstantial. But it is compelling, all the same. For example, rising mortality isn’t just happening in Scotland. It’s happening in many of the countries that launched mass vaccination campaigns earlier in the year. They’re all seeing a significant uptick in all-cause mortality. Why is that? What are they doing differently in 2021 than they did in the years before?

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Depopulation Agenda – Most Vaccinated Countries are all suffering an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths

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