TAP: Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions

18 Nov 2021
posted by Weaver

by N.Morgan

Craig Paardekooper – Published 14 November 2021

Batch 002A212A produced 1394 Adverse Reactions. This Batch consistently produced adverse reactions right across the USA. 80% of the batches did not. the Toxic Batches occur with regular frequency within the harmless ones. The frequency of one of these batches being encountered is 1 in 200.

This is a huge expose’ of the truth that we needed to help prove that not all the shots were the vax at all, but just a harmless placebo. It also means that the large number of people that received the placebo shot can’t pass on the spike protein shedding either. Only those that had adverse reactions and survived would be the ones shedding and a danger to others.

Just As We Suspected! Not All Vaccine Batches Are the Same, 20-30% Cause Adverse Reactions

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