Small family run furniture firm’s profits rocketed 4,700 PER CENT after shamed ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock personally recommended them for a PPE contract worth £29million

The Hopkins’ home in a leafy village near Nottingham that the couple paid £1.15million for in cash without the need for a mortgage in March this year is pictured here

kraag, cardiff, United Kingdom,
There’s some very sticky fingers in government these days. Shameful. Hardworking taxpayer’s money used without due process or care. Ok if you know a top Tory.

canyouhearmeknow, Home, United Kingdom,
Everyone was at it I know numerous people who had small businesses took out the government grant and the folded the business. And self employed who took the grant out whilst they still worked

yesmam, london, United Kingdom,
Hancock knows some secrets, he should have been sacked from last year.

Pete, Liverpool,
Well establish british firms with a long history of providing PPE were overlooked in favour of these tory startups with no previous experience

Pete, Liverpool,
They weren’t delivered though in the majority of cases of these tory startups – that’s the whole point. Established British firms with a long history of providing this equipment were overlooked in favour of tory startups in the VIP lane who had no history, ability or intention of delivering

Jeemathee, Newcastle, United Kingdom,
Politicians as a whole are sneaky little rats anyway. Look at how many stories are coming out about expenses etc. But this guy, as you say, should be in jail. He was the minister for health when elderly people were placed back in care homes in March and April 2020 and it killed 1000s and made the situation look worse than it was. This is now the third person he has any links to that has profited from contracts for ppe. The guy deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity

Passador, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Just the warm up. Climate change is the biggie. People who run sweet shops will become renewables experts overnight and the plane wont change a jot the way were going.

Robtee1, Winchester,
It would be interesting to have the detail of Monarch Acoustic’s bid published and then have the directors challenged about how they came up with their costings , having no previous experience in manufacturing PPE clothing. Who advised them what to bid?

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