Conservative MPs joined northern leaders in a furious backlash against the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan, which the PM tried to defend as an ‘ambitious and unparalleled’ overhaul of inter-city links across the North and Midlands.

Conservative MPs joined northern leaders in a furious backlash against the long-awaited Integrated Rail Plan, which the PM tried to defend as an ‘ambitious and unparalleled’ overhaul of inter-city links across the North and Midlands.

Born a lion, London, United Kingdom,
We will never be a world leader when our leaders havent got a clue it what direction to go. Losers every one of them

pal2014, Manchester, United Kingdom,
HS2 is a load of government clap-trap, why would you spend Billions on cutting a few minutes off a journey when any savings are lost when you try to use public transportation at the end. The whole thing should be scrapped and the money used to reduce regional public transport fares to a level that London enjoys.

compaid, warrington,
let’s be honest NOBODY up North expected anything but lies about levelling the North. This just lost the Tories all their gains. I wrote on Facebook months ago that HS2 should have started from the North as they will, as always, soak the rich with better transport etc and scraps for the rest. Now we get the scraps. My guess is repainted old rolling stock coming soon.

null, 8
How could we possibly be confident this man can execute even the limited plans made for the railways given that he cannot even get staff at the DVLA to do their job and does not appear to be making any attempt to resolve the problems there. If he cannot do the absolute basics there is no chance of him delivering on more ambitious projects.

english lost boy, london, United Kingdom,
“Shapps denies that vows have been broken” . And, of course, he wouldn’t tell a lie, would he?

mattygroves, swansea, United Kingdom,
But Michael Green might.

Purple.Haze, Liverpool, United Kingdom,
So which is it? It’s off ”based on what Boris said”, it’s now ”based on what Schapps said”???? It’s off ”based on what the Transport Select Committee said”? This government has frittered away BILLIONS of OUR money and don’t have a clue. I wouldn’t put them in charge of a piggy bank.

DAI2, Newport, United Kingdom,
Boris is all but finished, he is just going through the motions now,“the death rattles”.

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