Fauci: Torturing, Killing Orphans with AIDS Pharma

The David Knight Show – Published on 16 Nov 2021

Sadistically using children as guinea pigs for his previous big project — as he’s doing today. RFK, Jr clip: “these are the people strip mining our economies and making themselves rich. And is it a coincidence that these same people who are censoring criticism of the government policies that are bringing them trillions of dollars?”

“Let’s not forget the people who allowed their children to be used in these inhuman experiments. Just as the millions who will have their kids given the covid death shots. Ignorance and being a gullible, trusting idiot can NO LONGER be an adequate excuse for the harm being done to children, goddammit. These so-called parents are as culpable as fucking Fauci or Biden or any of them! And should be punished just as severely. I am so sick of stupidity being a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card. “ – NH Secession

The 1963 targeted abortion was preceded by 52 previous targeted abortions, all of which failed to yield the stem cells they were seeking.”

“Also the aborted fetal cells they harvest the virus from…those fetuses were living and viable when they were injected with whatever it is that causes COVID or whatever the “virus” is they’re harvesting…viruses are created inside the body so the host has to be living and viable…so those aborted babies were alive when they were creating the viruses…it’s flat out murder if they were alive outside the womb and then aborted after the fact.”

David! Please look in to dr. David Martin’s videos on bitchute…he has all the information to take down fauci and everyone else involved in this plandemic…he has followed the paper trail all the way back to 1990 where fauci patented the c o r o n a v I r u s for k9’s and then asked Robert baric to make it transmissible to humans and deadly…fauci holds 73 patents on this v I r u s and it’s testing methods as well…there’s so much evidence that is solid facts from fauci and his cohorts I’m appalled that the sob isn’t in jail! Dr. Martin needs all the help he can get to get this info out there


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