WankerCock – How I won ”Goon of the Year” and Lost any shred of Moral Compass I might have had


M3D3, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, @DM:
These publishers must have more money than sense. A boring man who slobbered over a woman to feel less boring. When’s the next John Grisham? Robert Harris? Valentina Giiambanco?

GW: Any good Independents/Miror Party Candidates looking for a safe seat in West Suffolk?

Greybeard McGuff, Glasgow, United Kingdom, @DM:
He’d make more money promoting birth control. The role he was born for.

Dawn Davenport, Bumberg, United States, @DM:
Ugh! Im wondering who the toothy uggo thinks would want to read about his failures, both personal and professional?

J.strap, The south, United Kingdom, @DM: Should be Titled How I scr#wed my aide and the country at the same time !

Stevem11, Liverpool, United Kingdom, @DM:
Straight to the paper recycling plant after they’ve finished pulpit that other “best seller ” The Bench!

Hotridroad, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, @DM:
Everyone should boycott his book and any public appearances he makes. This is just another example of an elite Tory making money out of the misery of the nation he presided over as Health Secretary. 150,000 people died mate [GW: Quite a few from being deliberately put on Midazolam] where’s the glory in that. Nobody anywhere should buy or read this.

AshMarchesOn, London, United Kingdom, @DM:
40bn covid costs to us taxpayers (that’s approx 1500 EACH), of which approx 20bn was effectively brokerage fees… top management, NOT.

GW: What about all that useless PPE warehoused around the country at enormous expense?.

TAP: Suffolk at centre of multi million alleged cover-up of government PPE scandal

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