44k of taxpayers money on Pizzas and disgusting Kebabs. Welcome to England the country that keeps giving.

Meanwhile pictures show a huge mess left at the camp after migrants were given hundreds of Domino’s pizzas from the Dover branch


BorisJohnsonTheCuck, London, United Kingdom, @DM:
We apparently can’t help the homeless but hundreds of thousands of “Refugees” can get a hotel, phone, meal, allowance for 6months to you get a visa and put on benefits and a council flat and dominos pizza to celebrate your arrival.

jim1978, England, United Kingdom, @DM:
Lavish hotel rooms , meals , health care ,etc… for someone who is literally just off a boat coming from France. Sounds like the home office have got a massive budget for this. Boris Johnson has got absolutely no intention of stopping it.

IGiveYouTheTruth_, The Dictatorship, United Kingdom, @DM:
14.50 for a chicken shish? Do this lot also do procurement for the NHS? And then the ungrateful f * * k ing ass wipes throw it away. I hate this country. We are truly finished.

DUSTY, Halifax, United Kingdom, @DM:
If your bin is over flowing with thrown out food, you attract rats. Solution, stop throwing food out. If you continue giving away free food and money you attract immigrants. Solution, stop giving them money and free handouts.

tony, London, United Kingdom, @DM:
I know some pensioners that are not eating as well as this because after contributing to the UK economy for 45 years they have to scrimp to survive.

Newmax, NOTTINGHAM, United Kingdom, @DM:
Welcome to Britain where we will feed you house you pay you and give you free health care. We won’t however feed pay or house our seniors or veterans who will be spending this winter on the streets. Not to worry Boris and Priti promised to sort this back in2019 Well guess what they failed just like the rest of the things they promise to do. Best we could do is gather all the homeless people we already have here put them on boats and float them back into Britain at least that way our tax money would actually be spent on our people.

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