TAP: Note to new health boss: Covid deaths plunging. Vaccine damage soaring

ON Monday, the new chief executive of NHS England urged people to book Covid booster jabs, saying the NHS ‘is running hot’.

A-man-da [sic] Pritchard said 999 calls and A&E attendances are at record levels blaming rocketing Covid infections.

But were hospitalisations really 14 times higher than this time last year, as chief executive Ms Pritchard told ITV?  NHS England later clarified the figures stating she was referring to statistics published in August, a defence which itself was found not to hold water. It lead Toby Young to accuse her of spreading  inaccurate and misleading information noting that she was comparing August 2021 with August 2020 and not November 2020 to November 2021. 

So to do her job for her, according to the statistics website Our World In Data, we do have a 59 per cent increase in Covid cases compared with last November, but there has been a 739 per cent decrease in Covid deaths.

The figures show that deaths in November 2020 peaked on November 27 with 520 on that day, giving a weekly average of 466. On November 7, 2021, 62 deaths were recorded, with a weekly average of 168.

So this is not the bleak picture Ms Pritchard is painting. The graph below, produced by Jamie Jenkins, former health analysis statistician for the Office of National Statistics (ONS), shows clearly that cases are not translating to deaths. Also, every case means one step closer to the coveted herd immunity the Government wants before it lets us out of this nightmare.

Unfortunately, cases of vaccine damage are not dropping. According to our drugs watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, its weekly Yellow Card adverse event reporting figures have increased again, as TCW Defending Freedom reported yesterday. They show no let-up in the deaths, which have increased by 20 on the previous month, or in adverse reactions overall, up by 23,688.

Since TCW Defending Freedom began reporting the figures back in July, 249 new fatalities have been registered, bringing the total to 1,739. That figure is likely to be just ten per cent of the actual total, with 50 per cent of fatalities being recorded for the AstraZeneca jab.

Of the 1.8 million children who have been vaccinated since August, 1,569 Yellow Card events have been reported. Thankfully, no fatalities yet. A freedom of information request to the ONS shows just nine confirmed deaths due to covid vaccination across all age ranges. This is because they only register deaths confirmed by inquest or postmortem and the inquest backlog is around 12 months.

Here again is the latest MHRA Yellow Card Combination Reporting Summary up to October 27, 2021 (Data published 4th Nov 2021).  Adult – Primary and booster, third dose, child administration

  • Pfizer: 23.5million people, 43.8million doses, Yellow Card reporting rate, one in 187 people impacted.
  • AstraZeneca:  24.9million people, 49million doses, Yellow Card reporting rate, one in 106 people impacted.
  • Moderna: 1.5million people, 2.8million doses, Yellow Card reporting rate, one in 87 people impacted.

Overall, one in 131 people injected experiences a Yellow Card Adverse Event.

Adult booster or third doses given = 6,995,982 people

Yellow Card reports following boosters or third doses:  4,079 (Pfizer) + 62 (AZ) + 81 (Moderna) + 24 (unknown) = 4,246.

Reactions: 357,084 (Pfizer) + 836,957 (AZ) + 55,081 (Moderna) + 3557 (Unknown) = 1,252,679

Reports: 126,603 (Pfizer) + 235,875 (AZ) + 17,187 (Moderna) + 1,185 (unknown) = 380,850 people impacted.

  • Fatal: 577 (Pfizer) + 1,112 (AZ) + 18 (Moderna) + 32 (unknown) = 1,739.
  • Blood disorders: 12,214 (Pfizer) + 7,528 (AZ) + 1,005 (Moderna) + 48 (unknown) = 20,795.
  • Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis: 650 (Pfizer) + 2,862 (AZ) + 24 (Moderna) + 21 (unknown) = 3,557.
  • Anaphylaxis: 517 (Pfizer) + 834 (AZ) + 41 (Moderna) + 1 (unknown) = 1,393.
  • Acute cardiac: 6,428 (Pfizer) + 9,706 (AZ) + 751 (Moderna) + 51 (unknown) = 16,936.
  • Pericarditis/myocarditis (heart inflammation): 668 (Pfizer) + 320 (AZ) + 142 (Moderna) + 2 (unknown) = 1,132.
  • Infections: 8,439 (Pfizer) + 18,815 (AZ) + 912 (Moderna) + 104 (unknown) = 28,270.
  • Immune system disorders: 1,801 (Pfizer) + 3,069 (AZ) + 332 (Moderna) + 17 (unknown) = 5,219.
  • Blindness: 115 (Pfizer) + 295 (AZ) + 18 (Moderna) + 4 (unknown) = 432.
  • Spontaneous abortions (miscarriage): 364 + 11 stillbirth/foetal death/premature baby (Pfizer) + 214 + 3 stillbirth (AZ) + 37 + 1 foetal death (Moderna) + 2 (unknown) = 617 miscarriages + 15 foetal deaths.
  • Psychiatric disorders: 7,427 (Pfizer) + 17,595 (AZ) + 1,112 (Moderna) + 82 (unknown) = 26,216.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 62 (Pfizer) + 442 (AZ) + 5 (Moderna) + 5 (unknown) = 576.
  • Nervous system disorders: 61,595 (Pfizer) + 177,777 (AZ) + 8,676 (Moderna) + 668 (unknown) = 248,716.
  • Respiratory disorders: 15,341 (Pfizer) + 28,291 (AZ) + 1,498 (Moderna) + 136 (unknown) = 45,266.
  • Seizures: 842 (Pfizer) + 1,951 (AZ) + 145 (Moderna) + 12 (unknown) = 2,950.
  • Paralysis: 355 (Pfizer) + 800 (AZ) + 44 (Moderna) + 6 (unknown) = 1,205.
  • Tremor: 1,567 (Pfizer) + 9,794 (AZ) + 214 (Moderna) + 42 (unknown) = 11,617.
  • Reproductive/breast disorders: 23,264 (Pfizer) + 19,069 (AZ) + 3,059 (Moderna) + 151 (unknown) = 45,543.

Children and young people special report (4th week) – suspected side-effects reported in individuals under 18:

Pfizer: 1,849,486 children (first doses) plus 315,134 second doses.

Pfizer: 1,325 Yellow Cards (increase of 109 from last week).

AZ: 11,505 children (first doses) plus 9,986 second doses.

AZ: 234 Yellow Cards (static).

Yellow Card reporting rate of children adversely impacted from AstraZeneca = one in 49.

Moderna: 17,087 children (first doses) and 12,408 second doses. Moderna: Five Yellow Cards (static).

Brand Unspecified: Five Yellow Cards

Total = 1,878,078 children injected. Population of 12 to 17 year-olds in the UK is 4.5million, according to the ONS. Total Yellow Card adverse events reported, under-18s = 1,569

See Annex One for full reports. Detailed statistics and graphs are available here.

• https://ukfreedomproject.org/covid-19-vaccines-yellow-card-analysis/

• https://yellowcard.ukcolumn.org/yellow-card-graphs

Note to new health boss: Covid deaths plunging. Vaccine damage soaring


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