He looked about as comfortable as a boy in a hand-knitted Guernsey sweater:

Oh dear. A warm G&T and a mouldy West Coast train line sarnie for sups by the sounds of it. And with that, whoosh! Off he pounded stage left, faster than a rabbit around a dog track.


Geri 3, London, United Kingdom, @DM:
Bunter has totally cocked up this time. He thought he could get away with anything after all he got away with backing Cummings testing his eyesight fiasco. But enough is enough now he has treated the electorate with contempt once too often. He has got to go and take most of his second rate sycophants with him.

Saint555, North East, United Kingdom, @DM:
I sometimes wonder if he has a touch of Down’s Syndrome.

wysiwygblue, Daventry, United Kingdom, @DM:
Or, more likely, Aspergers.

British defender, sandhurst, United Kingdom, @DM:
As a Tory supporter I always thought Cameron was a snivelling gutless coward, but Boris even trumps him and that’s bad for us all.

inglemere, Liverpool , United Kingdom, @DM:
As well as people who die from conoid each day, [[[they]]] should be made to publish figures on people who died because of delays to hospital treatment. I bet it’s a lot more than people think.

Hockers, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, @DM:
It makes you want to move to Uxbridge so that you can vote against him in the next General Election, as a tory voter with no serious alternative party to vote for that looks like the only way now to be rid of this pm who has let the country down again and again and again.

GW: Al Johnson-Kemal has been ”on the run” quite a bit lately.  Firstly he ran away from the House of CONmen debate about Tori Sleaze & now he’s at it again running away from a Glasgow Press Corps.  And he’s  developing acne.   I feel a song coming on.

Man on the Run Man on the Run – Apologies McCartney & Wings.

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