How Prof Chris Exley ended up being treated as a second class citizen just because he had a lifelong commitment to genuinely “following the science” 


How one of the UK’s top research scientists has been smeared, vilified, and forced into silence for his lifelong commitment to genuinely “following the science”   

Internationally renowned scientist, Professor Chris Exley, has been forced out of his longstanding university position because his ground-breaking research challenged vaccine dogmas. Researching vaccine safety has lost him the support of standard funders, attracted malicious media smear campaigns, and, eventually, cost him his livelihood. Here is the full report of how it happened, how I got involved, and why it is critical we expose this shocking story of corruption, injustice, and science sold out.

When I started to become seriously concerned with issues surrounding vaccine ethics and safety – after I was nearly force-vaccinated at university and threatened with expulsion and deportation if I did not comply (a threat I challenged and successfully overturned) – I had no idea where to turn to find credible further information. After all, I had been strenuously warned off all the ‘quacks’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’ on the internet, and, coming from an academic background myself – I had grown up on a university campus where both my father and grandfather had lectured for many decades – I wanted to engage with solid science and accomplished scientists in my quest to further explore and understand the undeniable safety concerns surrounding vaccinations.

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For more information on Professor Exley and his research, and to join his mailing list, please visit his website at:


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