ASTROWORLD Cover Up CONTNUES? Hugo Talks #lockdown

GW: Travis Scott gives the usual NWO-Globaaaalist One Eye Symbol. He certainly knows what is going on and innocent deaths on his watch are like a bonus for him. One has to provide a series of sacrificial victims if one is a member of the Satan Cult his is in..

hugotalks – Published 8 Nov 2021

Astoworld has 5G under the stadium for “convenience”. Let that sink in…

This boy in the video is clearly not crused to death, looks more like something neurological. I hope he is okay now. People this is Russian roulette. Don’t play.

GW: So likely testing out 5G on the double jabbed & tptwtb are pushing out the usual FakeNews-FalseFlag type ”Script” with Crisis ActWhores playing their part.  Yep – Don’t play.

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