”The Doctor Won’t See You now”

What is the NHS for? It has served as a quasi-deity for a society which considers itself secular. In the unusually warm spring of 2020, gullible people went outside to applaud a health service which had essentially abdicated its responsibility to attend to anybody’s health. It didn’t exactly do a stellar job of responding to Wuhan Flu, although it’s a bit hard to say, since it was fiddling the statistics all along – bizarrely, it seems, exaggerating them, for political purposes.

The Spectator ran a recent cartoon, in which an elderly couple are told by a hatchet-faced receptionist, “The doctor won’t see you now.Even during the worst outbreaks of bubonic plague, or the cholera epidemics in London and Scotland in the nineteenth century, doctors didn’t put up a wall against their patients. Right now, getting to see your GP is a bit like hunting for Lord Lucan.

We keep being being told that the NHS is in danger of being overloaded, but how can this be? Well, maybe it’s because GPs’ cynically going AWOL (on full pay) has led to an enormous backlog of medical cases. That is a disaster of the quacks’ creation, but, with the connivance of Sajid Javid, they are able to depict it as a consequence of Wuhan Flu.

All parts of the UK are being held to ransom by two highly politicised institutions, neither of which serves its supposed purpose: the schools and the health service.

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