Mystery of the vanishing Telegraph article on Plan B

Mystery of the vanishing Telegraph article on Plan B

Best Regards ”Deep Throat”.

Miles Nicholas •
‘I find this incomprehensible’.

Not if you accept that this behaviour has nothing to do with health, but is all about ushering in ‘Build Back Better’!

David Rosser Owen •
Is the difference between giving out Merck’s molnupiravir [“if given soon enough after symptoms start, cuts the risk of being hospitalised by about half”] and ivermectin, which demonstrably works from the results in UP/United Province/Uttar Pradesh that we have no idea whether molnupiravir actually works, but will make someone a bucket of money, but we do know that ivermectin does work and is very cheap?

R2 •
Well … I like a conspiracy theory as much a the next man. Sadly, however, the premise of this article is simply untrue. Lilico’s article is still there:

FirstNationFirst •
“government’s Plan B which, according to Sajid Javid, will be necessary to protect the NHS from ‘unsustainable pressure’.”

Obviously none of that “pressure” is due to the wonderful government: nobody halved the number of hospital beds in 30 years; nobody allowed unlimited immigration; nobody declared a “Pandemic” and cancelled all non CV19 illness diagnosis and treatment; nobody introduced numerous layers of NHS “management”; nobody coerced the population into receiving untested, experimental, drugs with serious adverse reactions and as for the suggestion that the beloved NHS could have been massively distracted by test and trace – well!

Countrywatch Suetorius •
Bourla arrested re Pfuzer fraud?
CEO of Pfizer arrested, charged with fraud – media blackout as #PfizerGate trends

Benthic_aka_dinoflagellate alecto •
Look at person with a cervix SNP MP who had covid and attended the HoC and caught a train home, not even a sneeze from her colleagues unfortunately.

I suspect when the likes of Johnson or Starmer say they are isolating for 10 days they really don’t. I bet their isolation is different to ours.

Margaret Ferrier attended Parliament with coronavirus and caught train back to Scotland

MP attended Parliament with coronavirus and caught train back to Scotland

GW: Look at what it is wearing on its lapel – the ”Crossed Ribbon” – Look up the meaning of that symbol.

Gripper “Untermensch” Stebson •
the cooff is now a massive industry and while govt keeps funding it
they will continue
just like the eco scammers
it’s all based on newly printed up money from the central banks presses
£400 BILLION last year £250 BILLION this
well when the interest rates turn up it will all fall apart

Circle of Willis •
For most of my life I’ve been against capital punishment based on the premise: ‘If killing people is wrong then it’s wrong, whoever’s doing the killing’. But in the last couple of years my view has changed.
When Nuremburg 2 finally gets underway, as it will, then I’ll be at the front of the queue to watch the psychopaths responsible & all those who followed their orders, all of the ‘angels of death’ who administered the poison injections, all of ‘journalists’ who promoted the propaganda, everyone that supported the murderous agenda, hanged by the neck.
Just saying…

GW: The mass hangings @Tyburn

BattleReadyBird – > Circle of Willis •
Oh boy, am I with you on that… Although I propose H, D, and Q with heads on spikes.

Duncan Mac – > BattleReadyBird •
The best (and fairest) method of execution would be defenestration, sentence to be carried out immediately.

In this process, the condemned man/woman would be disemboweled and then thrown from a high window on the end of a rope. Of course, in the interest of justice, there would be a right to appeal and if the appeal found in favour of the condemned, their bowels would be replaced and they would be thrown back in through the window.

Circle of Willis – > Duncan Mac •

Circle of Willis – > BattleReadyBird •
Bags doing the quartering.

English – > Circle of Willis •
Get in the queue.

alecto – > Circle of Willis •
Form an orderly line please.

BattleReadyBird – > Circle of Willis
Okeydokes – I quite fancied the spiking (taste of their own medicine)

k windsock- > Ravenscar •
Would make good telly to take the SAGE types to Cambodia and speak with the survivors of Pol Pot and talk about the wonders of socialism

shred •
So Molnupiravir, the gene busting antiviral for early use against covid at $700 a course= $70 a pill, is immediately approved for use in the UK by the MHRA, funded by the pharma industry, including Merk which makes this product and has not yet had peer review.

While Pfizer has another antiviral which is even more effective at 80% instead of 50% and has applied for approval.

And Ivermectin, at £30 a course and shown by numerous independent trials and meta analyses to be even more effective is trashed and censored in the USA and UK and the very very slow RCTs are using dosage below the recommended protocols of the doctors who have been using it successfully for the past year. What is it about cheap safe generic drugs that the MHRA finds so off putting and what will NICE have to say about the cost of the patented drugs, which cost a small fraction of the sales price to manufacture?

Barbara Elsmore- > shred •
According to the DT this morning the government has ordered 480,000 does of Molnupiravir the 50% effective drug from Merck and co and 250,000 doses of Paxlovid the ‘almost 90% effective’ drug from Pfizer.  Either way that’s a heck of a lot of cash once again into the open pockets of Pharmaceutical companies

shred – > norman’s nonsense •
Molnupiravir is another clever gene changer that tricks the viruses and makes their RNA codes mutate. What could possibly go wrong and did the MHRA even think about it? An article in Forbes already points out the

Xantilor •
I live in Islington, the most densely populated place in the UK. And going by the Telegraph’s nifty Cases and deaths by local authority, last week there were 2 deaths with Covid in Islington, up from the week before when there was 1. That’s a rate of 0.82 per 100,000 up from 0.41.

How long can they keep this up? Will we see a new wave caused by the ‘vaccine’ to justify the tyranny? Or are we nearly ready to move on to climate change to justify it?

Paulski – > Xantilor •
Same here, number of ‘infections’ in Aylesbury Vale between 125 and 200 per day, deaths in the whole of Buckinghamshire between 1 and 7 per week since beginning of September of which the population of Aylesbury Vale is between 1/4 and 1/3.

Even though the positive tests are broken down into districts the death stats aren’t so in over 1,000 weekly positive tests it is often the case that on average no one dies with covid in the vale and when it is the high mark of 7 it is averaged out at around 2.

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