Daily Archives: November 3, 2021

Round.Objects, Woodford, United Kingdom, @DM: We need do nothing in Britain as we produce less than 1 percent of global CO2. Whatever we do will have no global effect. All the harebrained schemes Johnson comes up with, one after the other, most of which will not work, need to be abandoned. Ironically, if the gulf stream steers away from our West Coast, temperatures in summer and winter will be 12 degrees lower in Britain.

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Believemeimnodoctor, New Yorkie City, United Kingdom, @DM: And they are how old and with all production emissions embedded, my thirteen year old V70D5 is dealer maintained and the average mpg shows as 46. – John Bull, Walsall, United Kingdom, @DM: I have a 3 year old Ford Kuga MOT 2weeks ago, boss of the garage said he had to check his equipment as the emissions were so low. Do not thrash it, serviced every year, 53mpg.

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Stuart Farquhar Esq., Windsor, United Kingdom, @DM: The problem with the progressive preachers on the left, such as sharma, is that they indulge in all the things that they are tell others not to do. that is why they can never be taken seriously …

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Twelfth Gen British, Gods County., United Kingdom, @DM: Try finding an electric car that has not involved child slave labour in its manufacture. There is the real hypocrisy.

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The Awkward Squad, Worst Rated Section, United Kingdom, @DM: We all know that the working class will be paying for the Government’s Green Agenda, just as they pay for every other policy and agenda [[[they]]] come up with. [[[They]]] are Managers, [[[they]]] manage the country to suit [[[their]]] bosses, the same bosses who know the game is up on fossil fuels, and [[[they]]] must find new streams of revenue. It’s about 30k heat pumps and money for the rich. If [[[they]]] were genuine we would see mass reforestation of the UK; free or heavily subsidised public transport; massive Netherlands style cycling infrastructure linking the whole country. Tory Construction bosses would be ordered to pay for 500 tree saplings for every house built. Instead we have this lot thinking only of lining [[[their]]] own pockets. These ministers will one day sit on the Boards of these Green Energy companies, it was the same in the 80’s and 90’s when Utilities were privatised.

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COP26 president Alok Sharma has two gas-guzzling diesel Volvo SUVs parked outside his £1.6million Berkshire home

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10160271/COP26-president-Alok-Sharma-two-gas-guzzling-diesel-Volvo-SUVs-parked-outside-Berkshire-home.html Cusco, Hyde, @DM: Of course we were encouraged to buy diesels by the Labour Party under Tony B. Before they became auto eco warriors. Mike, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, @DM: It’s worse than that. Aren’t Volvo owned by China? … Continue reading

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California Freeway Shooting Hoax don’t believe anything the news tells you there is no COVID-19

https://ugetube.com/watch/california-freeway-shooting-hoax-don-039-t-believe-anything-the-news-tells-you-there-is-no-covid-19_Hx39zuDtBoPMgfS.htm GLOBAL COMMUNIST TAKEOVER – Published 3 November 2021 Family of 6 year old boy Aiden Leos killed during freeway shooting speaks out https://flipboard.com/topic/orangecounty/family-of-young-boy-killed-during-freeway-shooting-speaks-out/a-8B5eqsyYTNy9FPfJWvJGig%3Aa%3A3483283827-d4d424ec94%2Fflipboard.com 21 May 2021: https://www.foxla.com/news/family-pleads-for-suspects-to-come-forward-after-6-year-old-boy-shot-killed-on-freeway ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣If you want to get in contact with me go to the links … Continue reading

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UN Flag flying on City Hall in Newcastle NSW?

https://ugetube.com/watch/un-flag-over-government-building_GQLNx4xfr6zQcsx.html Land of the Free. – Published on 02 Nov 2021 Why is it there? Obviously we know but this seems illegal or at least wrong. The power does and should belong to the PEOPLE not a multi-national billionaire cabal … Continue reading

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