All back on the private jets! Jeff Bezos’s £48m Gulf Stream leads stampede of executive planes out of COP26 (while Joe Biden’s Air Force One flight forces SIX commercial flights to burn fuel as they circle for 30 minutes)

MailOnline observed 41 private jets leave in total yesterday between 2pm and 11pm

The Awkward Squad, Worst Rated Section, United Kingdom, @DM:
Meanwhile another 20,000 + have arrived by dinghy so far this year. Not wearing uniforms so the politicians don’t care…..

GW: All in the name of ”Sustainable Development” – Courtesy of UN …..Recycling? – Yea they recycle the rubber boats…… – Bringing down the developed nations & impoverishing large swathes of people.

dimwitted, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom, @DM:
As a good friend of mine once said to me, “when the Government starts using the taxes I pay responsibly, I’ll start paying them responsibly” .. he was self employed so had the where-with-all to “evade” some tax liability. After Cop-out 26 I’m seriously starting to adopt the same attitude ref changing my lifestyle to save the planet. When these posturing, preening, self righteous so called leaders start actually leading and start practicing what they preach I might then follow but not until. I don’t expect Sleepy Joe to fly economy then catch the bus the conference centre but 2 jumbos, 2 massive military transport planes and a convoy of 28 two ton cars. if he can not see the blinding hypocrisy of that then he is not the right man for the job.

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