Daily Archives: August 29, 2021

downey8341, UK, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: All of us there yesterday were not protesting against the jab per se (I can’t call it a vaccine because it’s not). We were there to protest against Covid passports and vaccination of children without parental consent. It’s illegal, unethical and discriminatory. The vaccinated are quick to attack us for protesting but they never mention what they think about the reasons we are there. That’s because deep down, many of them know it’s wrong.

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Good Times1958, Freedom, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: Escape from Alcatraz, formerly known as the United Kingdom, is impossible if you do not allow the government to inject you

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Good Times1958, Freedom, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: Meanwhile our leader is no doubt considering a tried and tested youth programme. Aptly named ”Bunters Boys”. Welcome pack includes a free uniform.


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28 August 2021: Thousands march through London in the continued campaign to stop the Jabbing of Children and the implementation of Vaccine Passports

French and Italian cities experienced similar protests https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/preview/mol/2021/08/28/6660419645432119066/636x382_MP4_6660419645432119066.mp4 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9935831/Thousands-anti-vaxxers-central-London-continue-campaign-against-Covid-vaccines.html Fifthdymension, Southampton, United Kingdom, Why are you calling these demonstrators “Antivaxxers”?? Number one, it isn’t a vaccine. Number two, these demonstrators are not “anti” anything. They are pro freedom and just … Continue reading

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Chrissie R, East Anglia, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: This fiasco and the numbers coming in daily but hardly reported on has hardened many of us against thousands from Afghanistan whether justified or not. Our whole country is overloaded by taking in so many constantly from all over the world wherever there’s a crisis. This will add to many problems here in the future and allows no change in the countries they come from if they don’t stay put and create it.

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marmaduke dane, Rayleigh, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: Britain has become one big refugee camp….just totally swamped with people that don’t belong here

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mac66, harpenden hertfordshire, United Kingdom, @DailyMail: The French think the English are a mild weak race of spineless people who whisper amongst themselves when complaining. I work with many French people, and this is their view of the English. Strangely they view the Scots and Irish as firey people who don’t take any nonsence. And please no silly comments about Waterloo and Napoleon that was hundreds of years ago and hardly applies now with the migrants coming across the channel every 5 minutes.

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Knowmad, Portalou, Antarctica, @DailyMail: Which bit of the following do the UK government not understand:? The French government and the EU hate the UK, especially post Brexit, so all they have ever done is pocket any money the UK pays to supposedly stop the migrants crossing the channel in trucks and boats and meantime blatantly keep on allowing the migrants to leave French and Belgium shores unhindered. Then on top of that the UK government instructs Border Farce to facilitate the ILLEGAL migrants to land in the UK rather than repelling them. The whole thing is a farce and NOT what the British voters want their government to be doing.

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UK must demand the French take tougher action on migrants after 21,000 illegals made Channel crossing so-far this year

Official statistics show a record 125,316 asylum claims are currently being managed by the Home Office at an annual cost of £1.3 billion. They include more than 70,000 initial claims, a 73 per cent leap in two years. It is … Continue reading

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Time to stop obsessing over Covid


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