McAllister TV – Published 28 August 2021
..@01:55 Sarge goes ‘snarky’ asking ‘is that your ‘real hair, Linda ?‘ – – Way to go Sarge !! …………. …..shalom,a.j.

I’m more worried about wakin up with no sun…not so much the power! Lol

That dining in the streets in France was brilliant!

The suitcase bomb speculations are part of [[[their]]] program of lies according to Carol Rosin, who worked with Von Braun in using “voice to skull” tech in 1974 and other “black tech” projects. The FF are not just to further erode our Constitutional rights but used as justification for increases in budget allocation for more black tech to use against us continuing to enslave us. The “Curse of Canaan” is a good read Yb Eustace Mullins and Juan does an injustice on the practical purposes behind the phallus (BTW: Osiris – was said to be Black of the Isis lore). This is a tough sell to logical minds. However, the story of Nimrod’s tower of Babal (and his use of ponerology and genocide against the people of Shem, is what is happening again today, as happened in Babylonian times, as it happened in the Bolshevik revolution, China, Cambodia and the middle east.. Cannibal comes from two words, Canaan and Baal. It was Shem who beheaded Nimrod (Nimrod was Born on Dec 25th) and who cut up his body into pieces and sent them to the temples as a warning to these Babylonian priests who were doing all the crimes against humanity still happening today (using the Talmud and Kabbalah, black witch craft and secret societies) because they were according to the Will of Caanan to “love each other (thru sodomy), To not speak the truth, love lewdness, love Robbery and hate anyone who tried to interfere with their corrupt way of life... They worshiped Demons, raped tortured and killed children in numerous obscene rites, including conducting the mass killing of innocents in making sacrifices to Molech, Ashtorath, Baal, Leviathan, Behemoth, Raheb, Lilith and Azazel etc- or to demons. Is it any wonder you see the Demons at AIPAC? Hence Nimrod has always been the symbol of depravity, orgies and lust……Nimrod had the magical powers of the clothing of Adam given to Adam by God that were stolen by HAM and Nimrod is credited with making the people rebel against G-d. We all think that the eye in the triangle is the “all seeing eye” but Mullins says that this eye in the center of the triangle is actually the ANUS). “aye- pac” = AIPAC or The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (think Talpiot program). Starting to see who controls the money and Demons now  ie, Hollyweird, Courts, Congress, Executive branch, WH, State Dept, Wallstreet etc) ? Yeah that bunch the Christ talked about in Rev 2:9 Kerry Cassidy said that there were 3 main non-benevolent ET groups fighting for the control of Earth. ~ Sigh~


Your right SNARKY….I’ve been an empath all my life. My little dog sits on the couch and watches scurrying going on on the living room floor. Funny to watch, but they do touch her and she yelps. I live in a scumlords building and have to clear my house every day…..IT IS WHAT IT IS…SURF’S UP…ALL MY LOVE

marcko mcjsouzsn 
both sides of the God/Satan story is cabal induced…God, the creative source shakes its head to the shennany’s of men…wishes we would grow up…wah do what we want or we blow up the world? how immature, not very soul nourishing…I hope ‘folks’ start to relize what we ar doing in this human experience soon…the sooner this, the sooner humanity moves to the next level of well, BEING HUMAN…shed what you know to lighten your soul for the next move yea? peace out and blessed be

Right ON Brother and Super Snark Gal can be 1st Chair on RNNN /Real News Now netwurk !!!!!!!

no joke, 20 years ago wished I could file hillary’s teeth into points,
so more people could see the baby eating demon I knew she was.
I think Brian Stelter is the same kind of gluttonous critter, look at him.

marcko mcjsouzsn
He something else isnt it? the sleaziness and sub-creature presence is hard to contain, he slithers uncomfortabley…I have no doubt he is a snake with a head

@marcko mcjsouzsn: definite cherub demon, probably stinks like hillary too

marcko mcjsouzsn
@Model-Nutty: Like a stale vinyl blow up doll stuffed in a locker room hamper for 13 yr old rugby players….makes me nervous no doubt!!

Our magnificent Aussie Truckies are forming a national blockade beginning Tuesday 31st August protesting Mandatory Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports (to cross state line!!!)…GOD BLESS THEM ALL and BUGGER the Luciferian NWO!!!

Renounce every little discretion into the occult before GOD for forgiveness and do not let darkness get a foothold at all.

They already have way more than a foothold.everyone is talking with their mouths and no is as important as the other.think how many people of the world voluntarily took the poke.a poke that contains aborted fetus and it changes dna that God think how many Catholics and Christians are worshipping the pope on Sundays.God told when the sabbath day is and it’s not Sundays.Catholics visit the vatican.built on a pagen sacrifice site.those Chambers are still what percentage of Earth population is showing or worshipping God and his son Jesus Christ?Another flood would be deserved

marcko mcjsouzsn 
@Theroadtr your idea of God is as archaeic as the measures of any two-bit cabal outfit we see in action…God is not a destroyer, man is…and the story you portend is just the other side of their dirty coin…God, the creative source of all life, has more than enough patience to not ‘flood’ the world…but Gaia, mother earth might be tired of the shennanighans…peace

Anytime you open up yourself to the occult, you are basically giving the occult spirits permission to enter in or get attached to you bc they are drawn to the interest and that energy. Stay away.

G’day Snarky, from OZ!!! So happy you like the box full of Kookaburras I mailed you from Down Under. Always love your shows with SARGE and DILARA!!!

Kathy A 
Thank you, Sarge, for the engine comments. I kept putting out, look at the engines. They are empty. No turbines. We lived in VA Beach at one time and those would take off and turn over the top of our town house. The wingtips nearly touch the roof of our townhouse. They had engines and turbines. I believe Trump says he is the “father of vaccines” to get people to research the one called, “father of vaccines”, Pasteur. He was a fraud. I am a retired RN and have learned the truth about vaccines from way back when and there has NEVER been any virus identification. It was all for money, power, and controlled experimentation. Thanks, this was a lot of fun tonight.

”Sum of All Fears’‘ (movie mentioned in Q posts). Nuclear bomb  Austrian billionaire, whose aim is to start a war between the United States and Russia that will devastate them both, and leave a united fascist Europe to rule the world.

SUM OF ALL FEARS mentioned in Q posts 3x on Nov 22.2017

March & April 30 2018 also SUM OF ALL FEARS mentioned. What if U1 material ended up in Syria? What would be the primary purpose? SUM OF ALL FEARS. In the movie, where did the material come from?

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