BBC Caller Gets CUT OFF DROPPING TRUTH BOMBS by Vanessa Feltz / Hugo Talks #lockdown

Hugo Talks – Published 27 August 2021

TYPICAL! He asked her a valid question and she could not answer it because it was truth and it was against her injection push. He made it clear. Last year with no so called ”vaxes” and the deaths and cases low in the summer. This year 8 months later with lots double jabbed and so many new cases with variants. Well if she had done her research properly she would have found out that this was all foretold by the doctors/virologists who understand this jab…this mrna. That man was 100% accurate. The jabs are causing the varients by mutating. How? The jabs unlike our natural immunity, don’t kill the virus just weaken it so it mutates and makes a different form of it to resist the vaccine jab. They want to give out boosters now every four months. The deaths will increase rapidly and the stupid people will literally think it’s the healthy unvaxed who are causing this. It’s insanity. Bill Gates did this!!! With Fauci funding it with American dollars. Hang them all at the n ext Nuremberg trial! When will we see justice?!!!! God h elp us.

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