”Solicitor,” 37, ‘who injected food with BLOOD as he went on rampage in Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose’

Leoaai Elghareeb who is HIV positive, has appeared in court charged with contaminating or interfering with goods with blood at three supermarkets in west London.

Elghhareeb lives alone in a first floor flat in a modern development just yards from the River Thames in Fulham, south west London.

Mr Elghareeb is listed as being a solicitor for a firm called Opus Legal contractors with the offices registered at his Fulham address.


GW: Suspicious as all get out. My bet he is actually working for ”British” Intell Services & the solicitor nomenclature is just a cover story.  The ”British” Intell Services love to whip up fear porn stories such as this one for MSM on a regular basis.  It keeps the masses fearful.  To do this [[[they]]] have to have [[[their]]] patsies.

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