Gates Speaks About Social Media

Jbossman008 – Published 2021-08-02

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines… we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” ~Bill Gates

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil…… Isaiah 5:20

i dont think most realize just how much there is to unpack here..listen very very closel

Dr Fauci should be suppositoried. Repeatedly and continuously. Until he expires. and Bill gates too. Yeah.

Mike Pompeo. This is a live exercise.

sounds like this was a social experiment put in place by psychopaths. Mr. Gates called it the final solution, how am I to take that when I was taught the final solution was death, and Fauci murdered numerous gay people with his AZT cocktail which has the side effects of AIDS, so imho both are evil and should be eradicated from the planet.

The Pantera song ‘‘Five Minutes Alone’‘ comes to mind when I see Satanist Bill Gates run his mouth. Bill needs an assbeating

I’ve worked with people like him my whole career. Well, not “exactly” like him – none of them were mega-billionaires – but very similar overall personalities. This is actually how they talk to each other. They talk like they are telling the truth even as they agree to lie openly to each other, suggesting that it would be ridiculous to assume they would try to profit from the “pandemic”, even while Bill Gates has been on television bragging about how profitable his vaccine investments are. These people lie to themselves and to each other so continuously that they really don’t even know what is true anymore. Everything they say is simply narrative and agenda driven and everything they say is essentially a lie with a purpose behind it. With upper management in biotech companies over a couple of decades, I’ve had to spend a bit of time just filtering their noise to try to figure out whether they have said anything true or useful or just more lies to push whatever narrative they were working on at the time. They are always selling something.

Free Speech

Narcissistic personality disorder — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

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