Fury over plans to vaccinate children against Covid as parents demand final say ‘to stop youngsters being peer-pressured into inappropriate decisions’

Whitehall insiders say Boris Johnson wants the NHS to ‘crack on’ with vaccinating children. The Prime Minister has reportedly become frustrated with the Joint Committee for Vaccination’s (JCVI) — which advises No10 on jabs — delay in approving plans.


mike,- somewhereovertherainbow,
Average all-cause mortality age in UK is 81.5years, average ‘cv19’ mortality age is 82.4years (ONS Data). Tell me again why kids need to be jabbed when they are the least affected. Take a look on Amazon and search for books by our current PM and his father (Stanley). Once it’s realised that both are keen on population control, everything starts to drop into place.

John_Banks, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Bell v Tavistock : [2020] EWHC 3274 ruled that 12-16yr olds cannot provide Gillick Competency for experimental medicine with unknown long term effects. Not obtaining Parental consent causes the tort of battery. This should hold for COVID-19 vaccinations.

MOZMANC41, Manchester, United Kingdom,
According to Public Health England, 58% of covid deaths are double jabbed, increasing to 67% when you include those who’ve had one jab. Why on earth would you be encouraging children to take it?

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